Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Alla ricerca di Dio

"I do not agree with Giuliano Ferrara comparisons - confessed Eugenio Scalfari in the program" Eight and a half "- because I do not think my peers. Willingly accept a comparison, however, with Silvio Berlusconi."
The hope is that eventually, Silvio Berlusconi decides to confront Eugenio Scalfari. Emerged a winner, in fact, you would know who God is finally

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Bidelli e carabinieri

"The school is in financial difficulties - was meant to confirm the Minister for Education, Maria Stella Gelmini, in a TV show - because there are so many wasted. Suffice it to say that now today, in Italy, there are more caretakers that police ".
It 's true that today in Italy, there are more than caretakers who the police. But with all due respect for the views of Minister Gelmini, it may be that his equation is not exactly the correct . Why, in fact, could clash with another. That, according to which, indeed, the number of janitors would rather just, so too, and it would be rather weak, and not just the number of policemen. As would be ready to show, for sure, Mr Ignazio La Russa, his colleagues in government to the Ministry of Defence. But as borne out, too, those Italian citizens who the police now, see you around with the lantern.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Very Vaime

Post 017

I write [to myself?] So emotionally exhausted since its last played / intervention / editorial made a Blackout, followed by Good Bye Melancholy Caparezza and mention of Big Brother.



Music: Round, in a normal country Caparezza not sell records. Iris Press, February 23, 2011
Hands rete_2011 , post 017.
Tags: Henry Vaime , CapaRezza , AlfabetizzatInterconnesso_001


Saturday, March 12, 2011

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A chi il "giocattolo Silvio"?

"Silvio Berlusconi is mine - is claiming the prosecutor Fabio De Pasquale, who is holding the so-called" trial Mills' - and woe betide anyone who touches me. " "I'll touch me - it's replicating the prosecutor Ilda Boccassini, which holds the" Rudy process "- because I've already put into the fast track.
How will it end, then, that "Berlusconi is mine" - "No, it's mine"? "I have to try me first" - "No me first? Will win the bald prosecutor Fabio De Pasquale, who is very concerned the danger of prescription, or the prosecutor Ilda Boccassini dalla folta e rossa criniera, la quale teme di dover spegnere i riflettori prontamente accesi sul suo processo a presunte "luci rosse"? Il procuratore capo di Milano, Edmondo Bruti Liberati, è rimasto muto, fino ad oggi, di fronte alla singolare "disputa d'imputato". Uno di questi giorni, tuttavia, dovrà pur pronunciarsi. E allora sarà interessante, non solo dal punto di vista giuridico, conoscere a quale dei suoi due affezionati figlioli avrà deciso di assegnare il "giocattolo Silvio".

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Infanzia bruciata

"Dopo il bambino di dieci anni che ha conficcato la parte lignea di un pennello, durante un litigio, nel collo di a classmate - the newspapers have reported - here is a boy of twelve years he tried to strangle under water during a water polo game, an opponent of his own age. "
evolution of the species. After ' outdated James Dean in "Rebel Without a Cause," the new times are about to propose a Jamesino Dean hard as star of "Children's Cause. Until, perhaps, a creature of seven days off oxygen to his neighbor and cradle having to search for a Dean Jamesinuccio "turn" "Neonatal Cause.

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Costituzione e Vangelo

" The Constitution - put in writing in a document, the Conference episcopale italiana - non deve essere stravolta da alcuno".
Giusto e sacrosanto. Ma nemmeno il Vangelo dovrebbe essere stravolto da alcuno.

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Fede e politica

"Gesù di Nazareth - ha ribadito Benedetto XVI° nel suo ultimo libro - è stato il primo a separare fede e politica".
Esatto. E lode, naturalmente, a Gesù di Nazareth. Peccato, però, che i suoi rappresentanti in terra, con il trascorrere del tempo, le abbiano riunificate sempre più saldamente.

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Amica banca

"Se una banca dovesse fallire - ha ribadito l' Unione europea - Each account holder will be reimbursed up to a maximum of one hundred thousand euro.
But the reimbursement, long ago, had not been fixed in 103 000 and 291 €? Sure. Now, however, will be € 3291 less. Some might also see: stories for 3291 €, and why not? But then, not so much the number itself. And, even, even a legitimate question of principle. The concern is that if we continue on this path, a day, when a bank fails, any account holder may be required to pay him something for her - poor thing - a hand.

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"The top of Piedmont PDL - si è saputo - hanno mandato il loro candidato sindaco di Torino, Michele Coppola, a farsi benedire dall'arcivescovo monsignor Cesare Nosiglia".
Abile mossa strategica, questa dei vertici piemontesi del Pdl, nel tentativo di ingraziarsi il Cielo e, quindi, di evitare che il loro candidato sindaco di Torino, il giorno delle votazioni, venga mandato a farsi benedire dagli elettori. Ma il Cielo sarà d'accordo?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Affido con comodo

"Il Tribunale civile di Roma - ha pubblicato "Il Messaggero" - ha deciso di affidare alla madre i due gemelli contesi dai genitori al momento della separazione".
Embé? Embé un corno. Perché the Civil Court of Rome took seven years to make its decision and, in the meantime, the twins have turned twenty. Meanwhile, that is, they have become adults. The expectations now, therefore, has objectively given all the connotations of the joke: it would be helpful, for their healthy and balanced growth, if it should be reached during the difficult period of their maturation. But the judges - you know - always have other more urgent and more important that focus. And, then, is to thank that custody has not arrived even later and more vain. Maybe in another ten years. Maybe when the twins have also had their spouse and children.

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Il processo al giudice Spataro

"A momentous reforms - said Armando Spataro. Deputy Public Prosecutor in Milan - replies epochal."
Many in the center, have cried foul. But perhé? Why think of the poor suffered badly deputy prosecutor Armando Spataro? Him, maybe he just wanted to state that when reforms were to come to the momentous judicial system, judges should no longer give answers outdated, stale, outdated by the times. But finally, new responses, modern: momentous, indeed, in this age. And what the heck! Again with this damn process intentions ...

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8 marzo d'Italia

"In the House of Representatives of the African Republic of Rwanda - a source the 'Interparliamentary union" - the women are present at 56.3%.
really admirable and exciting. Especially when you consider that in Italy - according to the same source - are found in 21.3%, even after Mozambique (39.3%). But, especially when you consider that in Italy, women continue to claim their rights - even political - not with concrete actions and incisive, but laments irritating chatter rhetorical events in themselves, stupidly ideological divisions. Like today, March 8, when in Rome, instead of strong shaking in a procession and unified, divided into two processions frayed and inconclusive. Without repudiated Minos, yes, but also without any other flower of your mind and serious desire to fight.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Il nuovo "bingo" degli eurodeputati

"Members of the European Union - the rumor came from Brussels - have voted another 1500 euro per month for costs of the secretariat, to be added to over € 17 000 which already perceived."
Why indiscretion and not news? Because the vote came in a few minutes, quietly, quietly, without confusion, so much hype, so many official announcements. And that never knows why, since the deputati dell'Unione europea non sono per niente inclini alla vergogna.

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Mauro Masi e la piccola Yara (2)

"Nei nostri programmi televisivi - aveva opportunamente fatto sapere, lunedi 28 febbraio, il direttore generale della Rai, Mauro Masi - dobbiamo evitare l'accanimento mediatico sulla tragica vicenda di Yara Gambirasio".
Solo che, già dal giorno dopo, i programmi televisivi della Rai - come già sottolineato in questo "blog" - si erano incredibilmente infischiati dell'opportuna indicazione direttoriale e si erano lasciati andare ad un accanimento mediatico tanto deprecabile quantro odioso. Oggi, domenica 6 marzo, il conduttore della trasmissione "L'arena", Massimo Giletti, has not only continued to care nothing incredibly of its director general, but even more has dipped his finger, cynically, in the tragic story of the little Yara. And the director once again spernacchiato Masi? Once again silent. Now, however, the case can not be more understated and underestimated. Why, if the Director-General Mauro Masi was not ashamed to have even this time supported the role of two of Trump in Rai - and these could also be about his business - but does not go that well, because of its non-existent authority, users who pay handsomely for him and the rest of the company should be invited to more than questionable programs or to be forced to turn the TV off.

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Capitan Mastranzo

"The councilor Peter Mastranzo Neapolitan - is interested in the" Guinness Book of Records "- has changed jersey during the term that is starting more or less decently towards its conclusion - eight times elected with the coat of the UDC, the 'then changed to that of the mixed group, with that of popular initiative, with that of Margaret, with the Democratic Party, with the Udeur, with that of the popular south, finally with the force of Italy. "
And, therefore, good Mastranzo. Where would one day set up a "national turncoats" him - largely acquired merits - would be designated to be, of course, the "captain".

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"57% of Italian trains - according to data from" Altroconsumo "without even knowing the Managing Director of Railways, Mauro Moretti - does not arrive on time and the average delay is 13 minutes."
In Palermo, where it arrived on time even 100% of the convoys, have coined this "slogan": "Mauro Moretti delays perfect." Accompanying it, understandably, with an invitation to pack up and go in a certain place so unique as deemed appropriate. But soon. Do not train, then, because there arriverebbe in ritardo.

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Un piccolo suggerimento .... è in edicola in questi giorni una nuova pubblicazione di cui vedete l'immagine qui sopra. E' l'edizione italiana di "The knitters", rivista inglese di indiscusso successo. Costo euro 4,90 di Sprea International.

Finalmente nel panorama delle pubblicazioni qualcosa di interessante!
Belle foto, schemi in tante taglie, progetti carini anche se non troppo adatti a principianti, recensioni di filati e ferri con indicazioni di siti di riferimento, sezione dedicata alla storia della maglia e alle testimonianze di alcuni allevatori di ovini.
Non l'ho ancora letta bene nè ho avuto occasione di provare gli schemi essendomi arrivata solo ieri (io lavoro nella distribuzione alle edicole) ma l'impatto è stato buono.
Non so se si troverà facilmente in tutte le edicole visto che la tiratura non è altissima ma al limite potete farvi dare dall'edicolante il numero di telefono del distributore locale che potrà dirvi in quali edicole ha mandato la pubblicazione... ed eventualmente poi se piace, c'è anche la possibilità di fare l'abbonamento.

Speriamo di essere state utili, fateci sapere poi!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Otto marzo uno e due

"Le aderenti ai tradizionali movimenti femministi e le aderenti al nuovo movimento "Se non ora quando?" - è la notizia - non si sono trovate d'accordo su come festeggiare l' otto marzo e dunque, quest'anno, i cortei saranno due".
Supponendo allora che le femministe storiche decidano di sfilare alle 9, "Se non ora quando"? Già: se non a quell'ora, quando? Può darsi due ore dopo o, addirittura, tre. Tanto per dimostrare quanto i movimenti vecchi e nuovi non abbiano ancora capito la necessità di portare avanti uniti la battaglia per i sacrosanti diritti e per il pieno rispetto delle donne.

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Le "rosse" di Silvio

"Questa "rossa" è un cane da polpaccio - ha scherzato Silvio Berlusconi durante una manifestazione del Pdl a Milano - quando ti afferra non ti lascia più".
A chi ha voluto fare riferimento Silvio Berlusconi? Evidente, specialmente a chi era presente alla manifestazione: ha voluto fare riferimento alla sua accanita ministra Michela Brambilla seduta, sorridente, accanto a lui. Se infatti avesse voluto fare riferimento alla sua implacabile accusatrice Ilda Bocassini seduta ad attenderlo arcigna in Procura della Repubblica, avrebbe pronunciato le stesse parole, sì, ma senza scherzarci troppo su. Seriamente, insomma, e anche con any serious sign of concern.

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Mauro Masi e la piccola Yara

"In our television programs - has rightly made it clear on Monday 28 February, the Director General of RAI Mauro Masi - we must avoid the media fury over the tragic story of Yara Gambirasio.
words, in fact, be most desirable. Except that on Tuesday 1 March, just days later, the television Rai unleashed a despicable and hateful media fury over the tragic story of poor Yara. A demonstration, then, to two facts. Done first: the programs of the RAI and journalists do not care cheerfully words, even when they are appropriate, their general manager Mauro Masi. Done by: Mauro Masi since the Director General has not intervened to stop the rage, it means that happily does not care to follow the "networks" of "his" Rai and therefore may not realize how it is transmitted. Or follow them, you remember, but does not move a muscle if you spernacchiato "his." Without that first or second - who knows? - Is still a third fact: the Director General of RAI Mauro Masi should explain, at least to users who pay with their rent, what is there to do, he sat in that chair in Rome in Viale Mazzini.

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Capelli e cavoli

"The footballer Mario Balotelli - published, even," Corriere della sera "- occurred in the field last Sunday, his hair shaved into strips and a beautiful blond oxygenated.
Oh yeah? But - to put it politely - and they headed?