Saturday, October 23, 2010

Anniversary Speeches For Company

Un nastro è come un abbraccio

(here's mine too)

And there is no need to know from years of dating, to have knowledge in common, the 'embrace, as defined by the network is

A hug is a gesture intended to express affection or love that is to tighten the arms and hands around the body of another person.

and a hug, sometimes it is more useful than many words.
.... there are also virtual hugs, those who send, ask, look for web and sometimes you are lucky enough to meet.
This is what happened to us with this wonderful giver of hugs
you explain better??
She is for us knitters is like a ball of mohair and silk.
(hopefully that comparison can give a good idea) If you have
curious, go and see here and maybe even become a dispensing hugs you, there is always need to do well and ... who receives them, but also to those who ... by. The photo at the beginning
post is part of this project, we have found it simply brilliant.
A small thing to say, we, and copying from the blog, why are the words:

"... To know that we are really many,
and when
a woman wants
fight against everything.
Even against cancer ... "


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