Monday, January 31, 2011

Creative Technology Corp Pasta Express X2000


Nell'attesa che arrivi il 6 FEBBRAIO per assegnare the prize to the winner of BLOG CANDY , we have prepared a new translation.
We will not yet say nothing of the many comments that we are coming but we want to thank all ... We will respond and we will discuss the various interesting proposals!
Just a little reminder, in order to participate you must insert in your blog (if it has one) in the envelope we provide you the html code in the previous post.

But we come to the novelty, this beautiful neck MODESTY NECKWARMER was created by Leah Moya and was one of the Christmas gifts that I made ....
Here's my version:

Here Evillive made number 61, but for which 'we see little nuance in what I have used a little yarn. Moderate
I would say, nothing impossible, just a little 'attention ...

is the translation to you instead

Yarn: Filatura di Crosa Alpaca Peru. (100% alpaca; 50g/180m).
Ferri: 3.5mm (U.S. size 4)

Sample: a knit 26 points and 30 lines with the tools of 3.5 = 10 X 10cm

Size: 34cm (13.5 ") in the most '15cm wide at the point more 'tight


1) The first and last 4 points of each line are knitted shaved
These points are included in the written instructions and diagram

2) The eyelets are finished in the third row and every fourth line while the rest of the schema. They are made at the beginning of the line as follows: dir 2, yarn over, say 2 ins

3) The abbreviations used are straight

dir = rov = shower thrown

Gett = Pass = pass the point on the iron right
2dir ins = two straight set acc =
cross passed on to the mesh point worked


Fit 158 \u200b\u200bpoints.

R 1: 4dir, 1 * dir, jets, 3dir, pass, say 2 ins, stainless mesh pass (Down 2 points), say three, throws * Repeat from * until the last 4 points, 4 dir.

R 2: Everything rov

R 3: 2 dir, jets, say 2 ins, 2 * dir, jets, dir 2, pass, say 2 ins, stainless mesh pass, dir 2, yarn over, 1 dir * Repeat from * until the last 4 points, 4 dir.

R 4: 4 rov, 1 * dir, 9 rov * repeat from * until the last 4 points, 4 rov.

R 5: 4 dir, rov * 1, dir 2, yarn over, say 1, pass, say 2 ins, stainless mesh pass, 1 dir, jets, 2 dir * Repeat from * until the last 4punti, 4 dir.

R 6: 4 rov, 1 * dir, 9 rov * repeat from * until the last 4 points, 4 rov

R 7:: 2 dir, jets, dir ins 2, * 1 rov, 3 say, throw, pass, say 2 ins, stainless mesh pass, throw, 3 dir * Repeat from * until the last 4 points, 4 dir.

R 8: Everything rov

Repeat these 8 rows once more (lines 9-16)

R 17 (Fall): 8 dir, * pass, 2 dir ins, stainless mesh past 7 Repeat from * dir * at (128 points remaining)

R 18: All rov

R 19 (Fall): 2 dir, jets, dir ins 2, 3 dir, * pass, 2 dir ins, stainless mesh over, say 5 * Repeat * up to the last point, 1dir (98 points left)

R 20: All rov

R 21: 6 dir, * cross breed the next two points, see notes, 4 dir * Repeat from * until agli ultimi 2 punti, 2 dir.

R 22: Tutto rov

R 23: 2 dir, gett, 2 dir ins, 2 dir, * incrociare i prossimi due punti, 4 dir* Ripetere da * fino agli ultimi 2 punti, 2 dir..
R 24: Tutto rov

Ripetere le righe dalla 21 alla 24 finchè il lavoro misura 15 cm dall’inizio.

Per chiudere:
Chiudere 4 punti, *montarne 3, chiudere 6 punti,* ripetere da* alla fine.
Dopo i primi 4 punti chiusi, si deve ripassare il punto dal ferro di destra sul ferro di sinistra prima di montare i 3 punti nuovi.

Bloccare essendo sicuri di aprire lo schema del pizzo

Cucire i bottoni.

Ci sono due modi di incrociare due punti:

a) passare il primo punto del ferro di sinistra su un ferro ausiliario. Tenere il ferro ausiliario nella parte davanti del lavoro. Lavorare a dritto il punto seguente, e poi lavorare il punto sul ferro ausiliario.

b) Lavorare il secondo punto sul ferro di sinistra prendendo la parte dietro. Prima di scaricarlo dal ferro di sinistra, lavorate a dritto il primo punto, Fate cadere contemporaneamente i punti dal ferro di sinistra

Come sempre la troverete qui di fianco come miniatura cliccabile per scaricare il pdf!

Oppure, potete cliccare qui!


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