Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Installation Problem Pl2303

False bomb threat at Malpensa

Oggi pomeriggio verso le 12.45e stato generato un falso allarme bomba, il tutto sencondo il personale di servizio di Malpensa sarebbe partito dal ritrovamento di un pachetto nella zona dei bagni presso lo scalo numero 10. Il pacco ritovato sarebbe di forma quadrata ed incerottato con del nastro adesivo per pacchi tipo quello delle poste con una piccolissima antenna che usciva dal medesimo. Gli artificieri intervenuti alla Malpensa aeroporto hanno subito neutralizzato il pacco finta bomba e sgomberato la zona circostante dai tanti curiosi soppravenuti.

Aeroporto e tutta la zona Malpansa non hanno subito nessuna ripercussione per gli iincidenti causati ed i voli hanno svolto la loro normale trafila.La Proxy Bust Arzizio meanwhile opened an investigation against persons unknown for all procured arme.Si think it is a document crafted to create fear and confusion at Malpensa airport, then it will increase checks on suspects Baggage ee abnormal movements.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sample Welcome Letter For Out Of Town Guets

canceled all flights to Malpensa airport

The recent perturbation created a wave from the Atlantic to do bad weather that hit most of the Italian territory and nearly all national and international airports . Malpensa airport this morning good morning was one of the ugliest of the past 10 years with more than 40 centimitri snow Malpensa throughout the area the day began in chaos, creating great inconvenience to all travelers in Milan city have taken over the military services also designed to clear the roads. Malpensa airport is scheduled to close until at least 13:00 this afternoon while strong signal difficulties for incoming flights, many people also had to spend the night at Malpensa airport because of the impracticability of the surrounding stade. In Bergamo, the situation is the same and also the airport of Orio-out and at least all morning. Italian Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa is running a crisis cell to cope with non-Organization of the municipalities concerned provided, however, the wave of bad weather for several days prima.Le rail transport are certainly no longer suffer from the Organisation causing considerable inconvenience to travelers and commuters on canceled 400 trains and ritarti on all routes. Gi offices of the Italian Civil protevione via sparse early this morning called on all automibilisti not to travel in the coming hours still providing abundant snowfall throughout northern Italy.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What Is The Tax Percentage On Sweepstakes

Airports Malpensa Airport Malpensa

today after a 12-hour flight from Singapore landed at Malpensa airport in Milan and get off the plane I go in a hurry to check the passport so everything is normal apart from the expectation that it would be avoided by adding an extra door. More and more travel I am going to pick up my luggage but not even the shadow of storage for well over 30 minutes. Finally, my luggage arrived after 45 minutes given I had no exact date or in the parking lot outside the airport quacuno that I have come to take the car. At this point coming from abroad want to buy a sim card to call my client in Milan just a waiting my call, ask for information on where to buy the new number to the service personnel dell'aeroporo Malpensa (would be the same for 'Linate airport) all look at me as if you ask for something amazing until I viene risposto che posso comprarla a Milano, vi immaginate un'aeroporto internazionale come quello di Malpensa non hà uno e dico uno che vende le carte sim per il cellulare? il chè vuol dire che tutti gli stranieri che arrivano in Italia non possono dall'aeroporto cambiare operatore per il proprio cellulare e sono obbligati a comperare una mediovale carta magnetica e telefonare da un telefono pubblico se lo trovano e se è funzionante per comunicare nel 2009 con il proprio interlocutore, personalmente in tutti i paesi che sono stato non mi era mai successo di poter cambiare la carta sim all'aeroporto. Rassegnato ed impotente vogli aquistare una carta magnetica per il telefono pubblico ma non ho in tasca soldi in Euro per cui devo ritornare nei miei passi per andare to change money in the only change for all the arrivals hall of the airport of Malpensa, quick to let you all
cost me in term of time from the moment I landed at Malpensa Airport two hours and thirty minutes, there have any kind of excuse or justification in this regard and in terms of any international traveler who arrives at the airport of Malpensa consideration is that the more of something does not work at Malpensa, but also in all the Italian airports. In this blog we want to update the title Malpensa Airport passengers of everything that happens and how they are served daily from their arrival at Malpensa airport car park until their departure.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Microsoft Ultimate Steal Contact

Two Voices speaking as One

Ti Amo,

these days, when you miss me, close your eyes ...

let the notes of that song, whisper a hug ...

the dedication of my thinking.

And I'll be there.

You think that without those notes will be Rays of Sun ... that shine at night, why not pass when I'm not in your arms.

Splenderò per te, Amore…

E non passerà momento senza un Raggio di Sole: un pensiero, una carezza e un bacio.  

So che tu farai lo stesso e sentirò le Onde del Mare parlarmi.


the waves caressing your face and they'll tell you I love every second.

The sun will shine on you and will warm embrace with her, day and night, every moment tell you I love you and will my voice.

The Sun with its rays pass through the waters of the Sea, will merge with my thoughts, which are yours, and together will sing the melody of 'Love: ours.

in the sea, your thoughts are mine, your my: a song for two voices that are in harmony.

Love WE, WE.

U.S. and nothing else.

I love you.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why Does It Burn When I Pee While On My Period

                                     Aeroporto Malpensa