Thursday, December 10, 2009

Microsoft Ultimate Steal Contact

Two Voices speaking as One

Ti Amo,

these days, when you miss me, close your eyes ...

let the notes of that song, whisper a hug ...

the dedication of my thinking.

And I'll be there.

You think that without those notes will be Rays of Sun ... that shine at night, why not pass when I'm not in your arms.

Splenderò per te, Amore…

E non passerà momento senza un Raggio di Sole: un pensiero, una carezza e un bacio.  

So che tu farai lo stesso e sentirò le Onde del Mare parlarmi.


the waves caressing your face and they'll tell you I love every second.

The sun will shine on you and will warm embrace with her, day and night, every moment tell you I love you and will my voice.

The Sun with its rays pass through the waters of the Sea, will merge with my thoughts, which are yours, and together will sing the melody of 'Love: ours.

in the sea, your thoughts are mine, your my: a song for two voices that are in harmony.

Love WE, WE.

U.S. and nothing else.

I love you.


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