Thursday, May 20, 2010

Alberta Covering License Plate

Magic Waters - Prologo

prologo MW


Il Sole si affacciò per la prima volta, dopo una notte di riposo, sfavillante sulla sabbia della Spiaggia Bianca.

Gabe aprì gli occhi, e riscuotendosi, volse la testa per assicurarsi che non fosse stato solo un sogno. Grace era ancora lì, e lì sarebbe rimasta per sempre, al suo fianco.

Sorridendo l'Angelo rimase alcuni istanti a fissare la sua Ondina dalla pelle chiarissima, ancora immersa nel sonno. Le labbra erano piegate in un sorriso sereno, e Gabe si sentì pieno di una tenerezza infinita.

Poi Grace si scosse, risvegliandosi. Lo guardò con occhi semichiusi. Probabilmente anche lei si stava chiedendo se tutto quello fosse davvero reale.

- Buongiorno amore... - mormorò, con la sua armoniosa voce d'argento.

- Buongiorno piccola - rispose l'Arcangelo, accarezzandole i capelli scompigliati dalla notte.

Si abbracciarono rimanendo distesi sulla sabbia che aveva protetto i loro sogni, ai piedi del divano rosso.

- What peace ... - Gabriel said - does not ring true ... after all that we've been ...

- Yes - confirmed Gracelyn - I lasted long enough to stay here in this paradise, only with you ...

Gabe kissed her gently on the forehead, smiling at her - I would love too. But we know as the Cape and Poseidon will get a new mission to be awarded very soon!

- To hell with work! I do not want to come back to Earth! - She said, laughing - I'll even sacrifice my feet in those awkward instruments of torture down there they call shoes!

Gabriel laughed in turn, observing the perfect legs of his Ondina. Then he became thoughtful expression.

- Do you miss the freedom to swim in the ocean with your tail fin? - Churches.

- A little '... but having to choose between that and love, I chose the thing that I could never give up - Grace said, smiling.

Angel tenderly embraced her, holding his chest.

- One thing I always wondered, ever since I met you ... you're the only siren I have ever given up in part to its marine nature?

Grace squatted comfortably on his chest Archangel that squeezed in a tender embrace. So said

- No - he said at last - I do not know exactly how many, but there are and there have been. And 'well-known story of the first, my sister, Ariel, to the inhabitants of Earth. Although over the centuries has been colored to become a fable, a fairy tale.

- Ariel ... Ariel ... Talk to your the tale!? You're the sister of the Little Mermaid !? - Asked Gabe's eyes widened.

- Yes, that's her! - Grace confirmed laughing - Ariel also gave up his love for the marine environment ... And it is genetic!? In that case, Poseidon was not so understanding as has been good to me, stripping it of all its powers, as if to punish the rebellion. But my father is a paste ... anchovy! - Accompanied with a loud laugh that joke funny - Did you know that already the first seed would miss only the tail fin, whereas it recovered all the other powers.

- Interesting ... - Gabe said, reflecting - the first descent ... ... want to say that so far have relatives with super-powers around the planet?

- Of course. But most however, is not aware of their special nature, because only by bathing in the waters where he lived Ariel regain their powers.

- And then they become like you?

- More or less. But descending from a siren to which the powers were removed, their capabilities are very mild, and can not attend in person to the missions, even if they cooperate in the second line. I think Chuck is one of them ...

Gabriel broke his embrace and stood up, going to the sea. The Ondina followed him, putting his side and shaking his hand.

- What are you thinking? - She asked, seeing him enjoy the water with a lost look in some kind of reflection.

- The ocean is much more complex than Sky ... - Muttered l'Arcangelo.

Lei gli carezzò il braccio, poggiando la testa sulla sua spalla. La brezza sottile e calda proveniente dal mare le scompigliava i lunghi capelli castani.

- ...Non di tanto... c'è sempre un punto all'orizzonte dove Cielo e Oceano si uniscono - disse la Sirena, fissando il mare.


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