Monday, May 31, 2010

How Much Does A Concrete Basketball Court Cost

Magic Waters II

Magic Waters 2 RobiSamy

caught in a storm

The rain, which increased more and more, made it almost impossible for the vision of the road through the windshield. The sky was so dark it looked like night, despite being just after six in the afternoon.

Kim approached the car to the side of the road and stopped the engine. She turned on the radio, to have a musical background with which to await the end of the storm, whereas the intensity and the season, did not think would last longer. The news of the 6.30 disillusioned in this respect: the disturbance was exceptional in those places un ciclone proveniente da Est, che avrebbe stazionato almeno per tutta la notte.

La ragazza si lasciò sfuggire un'imprecazione. Con quelle condizioni non poteva raggiungere l'albergo ancora distante un paio di centinaia di miglia. Era già rassegnata a passare la notte in macchina al freddo e senza cibo, quando un lampo squarciò il buio, facendole sollevare istintivamente lo sguardo, in attesa del tuono, e lasciandole intravedere per un attimo una sagoma scura e imponente, a circa 50 metri sulla sinistra, che sembrava sorgere dal mare.

- E quello da dove spunta? - esclamò ad alta voce Kim. Anche se l'aveva visto solo per un istante, era certa fosse un edificio, probabilmente a building, or a large villa, judging by the size.

" Whatever it is, is my salvation! Provided that those who live there are people friendly with foreigners caught in a storm! "

started the engine and with extreme caution, taking a walking pace, the car headed toward the point where he had seen the building .

Another lightning, almost providential, showed her an exit ramp that connected the highway with the road access to the building.

had embarked on that road a few seconds, when he saw the headlights of another car that preceded di pochi metri sul vialetto.

Seguendo quei fari, arrivò in prossimità del mare, imboccando un pontile che delimitava la fine della stradina, e l'inizio di una proprietà privata. Entrambe le macchine si fermarono in un piazzale ai piedi dell'edificio, dove sostava solo un altro veicolo.

Kim scese dall'auto, e corse sotto la pioggia verso l'ingresso, seguita dalla figura dell'altro guidatore.

- Mi scusi – disse, rivolta all'uomo che accorreva dietro di lei, una volta riparatasi sotto la pensilina del portone – non sapevo dove andare con questa tempesta! Ho sentito alla radio che durerà tutta la notte. Non mi sentivo sicura in the car, I hope we can accommodate ...

- I hope so too! I thought exactly the same things when I was surprised by the cyclone.

- I thought you were the landlord, I'm sorry! - Kim said the young fellow-sufferer, laughing a bit 'embarrassed.

- Maybe! You see? - He answered, laughing, in turn, his eyes lifted up towards the building - more than a house! This is a castle ... and also very beautiful.

Kim leaned over the roof to watch, as he rang the bell at the side of the door. It was really a castle, and looked old, from what little could to discern in the pouring rain. Stood on the sea built on a rocky islet at several meters from shore.

- Good evening - a voice behind her collected.

opening the massive door, a man in his sixties, tall and distinguished, the two greeted guests with a welcoming smile almost imperceptibly beneath the thick and hoary beard care. He had a look intelligent and alive, the curved line of the eyebrows praised the flight of the balding forehead, almost creating a contrast with the abundance of hair around the face.

- We found ourselves suddenly in the midst of this hellish storm! - Said the young man - It 's crazy to think of continue until it passes. We wondered if we could get accommodation for the night ... also paying.

- Do not talk nonsense, young man - the man exclaimed, with an expression of reproach so loaded that left no doubt about the nature of irony - 'My house is your house', as we say around here, especially with a time like this! I was expecting someone to arrive from the motorway. With typhoons like it always happens that a traveler is forced to stop here, is the only inhabited place within seventy miles. I have already prepared the rooms. Here there is room for an army, revenue as well.

- Thank you very much sir. Io mi chiamo Maximilian King... Max! - disse il giovane porgendo la mano prima a Kim, poi al padrone di casa.

- Kim Hateley - rispose la ragazza.

- Molto piacere – concluse la presentazione l'uomo – Chiamatemi pure Don Melville, miei giovani amici. Sono il tutore affidatario del castello.

L'interno dell'antico palazzo era affascinante: elegante e moderno negli arredi, mantenendo l'atmosfera dei tempi passati nella struttura, nei molti oggetti e quadri che completavano le sale.

Don Melville li accompagnò al piano superiore, indicando loro le stanze dove avrebbero passato la notte.

- Set yourself on track with ease. Meanwhile, I'm going to prepare a nice hot dinner - said farewell with a smile.

Left alone, Max and Kim looked around, exchanging glances and commenting so that warm welcome. They were just lucky to happen there. Max could not prevent you from running every now and then a look at the elegant and perfect forms of breast Kim, enhanced by a light green shirt, wet and semi-transparent, which clung to the body. Her hair, long and soups, in locks down imprisoned by the rain, the rolling up to the chest, making it even more fascinating.

glimpse of her, and the gesture of raising le braccia, incrociandole sul seno, lo costrinsero a sollevare lo sguardo, con un po' d'imbarazzo, e a darsi appuntamento per cena, dopo una bella doccia e un cambio d'abiti.


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