Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lakme прайс

Magic Waters III

Magic Waters 3 Robi

The first night

- There will be something in my size ... and not put in the seventeenth century, here? - Is chiese Kim, mentre apriva le porte della cabina, anzi stanza armadio, posta sulla parete nord della camera.

Con sollievo scoprì che i capi di abbigliamento conservati lì dentro, non solo erano attuali e di gran classe, ma provandone alcuni, le calzavano a pennello.

Dopo un'accurata scelta, e rimirandosi più volte nello specchio, scelse un abitino nero al ginocchio, con le maniche lunghe. Elegante e seducente, in quanto la già generosa scollatura era messa ancor più in risalto da laccetti legati sotto al seno. Completava l'abbigliamento un paio di sandali in tinta, col tacco non molto alto e cinghie strette intorno alla caviglia, decorati con strasse.

Going down the stairs leading to the entrance hall, noted with a hint of the complacency that Max gave her admiring gaze, pausing for a moment the conversation taking place with Don Melville. The two men were waiting, and once reached the bottom of the staircase, the landlord made their way to the dining room.

- Atlantis has always fascinated me, ever since I was little. I chose to do virtually the archaeologist found the remains - Max, as always, when talking about his main passion, he used a tone of excited and enthusiastic.

- but Atlantis is not a legend? - Kim interrupted him - I work for an organization that studies the seas and oceans around the world, yet we have never detected traces and evidence of its existence.

Don Melville followed with interest the conversation between the two young men, speaking occasionally to ask if they were brought to their taste and hospitality of the castle to their liking. Guests reassured him, saying again and again as a Grand Hotel could not even wish for a better deal.

- Search and find - said Max - Surely you are more focused on saving marine species at risk, and seas from pollution, to find that archaeological submerged.

- What took her to Mexico, my young friend? - Don Melville asked in a tone that might seem inquisitive, but the two guests did not notice.

- I'm following the directions of certain documents which the University has come into my possession.

- What? - Kim said, concerned - Atlantis would sink into the Pacific Ocean, then? It was not the Atlantic, as the name?

Don Melville even more focused his attention on the response that would have given Max.

- The myth puts you in the Atlantic, in fact - explained il giovane archeologo – ma anni di studi, e una notevole quantità di documenti che ho raccolto parrebbero non suffragare questa ipotesi. D'altra parte c'è anche chi teorizza il Continente Scomparso sia sotto le sabbie del Sahara, avete letto il romanzo, no? Gli studi più recenti hanno portato a escludere le altre ipotesi, e le mie ricerche personali lasciano supporre Atlantide sia da qualche parte nell'Oceano Pacifico, in un'area prossima a Baja California.

- Interessante... – commentò Kim, aggiustandosi una ciocca di capelli che le era scivolata sulla fronte. Max seguì quel movimento con uno sguardo affascinato. Quella ragazza aveva un non so che di misteriosamente sensuale. Una sorta di magnetismo che riusciva ad alzargli il livello di testosterone anche solo con un gesto della mano come quello appena compiuto.

- Scusatemi, miei giovani ospiti – disse Don Melville sorridendo, e alzandosi – vi lascio alle vostre conversazioni. Rimanete pure quanto volete, il camino vi terrà compagnia restando acceso tutta la notte. Io sento il bisogno di ritirarmi, purtroppo l'età ha le sue esigenze - concluse sorridendo, e accarezzando la barba candida, per rafforzare la sua affermazione.

Max e Kim si alzarono a loro volta, salutando il padrone di casa e dandogli la buonanotte.

- E ora dimmi qualcosa di te... - fu l'ultima frase che Don Melville udì uttered by Max, as he left the room.

The amber light of a lamp dimly lit the desk in the bedroom of the distinguished gentleman from Mexico. Don Melville, already in sleepwear, with an elegant silk dressing gown, was bent on one side of the cabinet, and fumbling with a lock hidden under the floor. He opened a secret compartment, and pulled out a small book bound in leather, antique look. Poggiatolo on the desk, opened to a page indicated by a silver bookmark, about half the volume.

- Arcana paths between Avenues of Hurricane,

Naviganti paths in different seas,

join the King's Road,

between streams of golden sparks

in search of Return of Time ... - murmured Don reread the text carefully studied. He looked up, following a trail of thoughts - That ...

The sentence was cut in half by the intense glow of a sudden lightning, followed in complete darkness.


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