Sunday, June 20, 2010

How Do I Make A Gir Costume

Magic Waters IV

Magic Waters 4 Robi

Fires suffused

- Wow! And now?

- It 's been a light ... that must have been lightning - Kim said, looking toward the window - even the road is not lit, the lanterns in the courtyard are all off ... there is probably damage to the power line across the area, possibly an overload.

- We hope that the blackouts will not last long ... - Max said, setting himself the dark rectangle of the window. The flames flickering in the fireplace amber splash of the young man's face.

Kim admired him almost hypnotized by the suggestion of the special atmosphere - Thank God that the fire is not subject to power cuts - he said finally, smiling and turning his gaze to the fireplace - otherwise we can not even see each other .. .

- It would be a shame - the archaeologist said, looking once more slender and elegant figure of his interlocutor.

Kim passed on the comment, pretending not to have heard. He pulled back with the torso, resting his hands on the carpet where they were comfortably placed after the release of Don Melville. The warm light danced on his body, mettendone in risalto le forme, sotto lo sguardo ammirato e indagatore di Max.

- Sembrerà un luogo comune in questi casi, ma... io sono sicuro di averti già vista da qualche parte.

Kim lo fissò sorpresa – Stavo pensando anch'io la stessa cosa! Sarà questa luce soffusa, ma il tuo volto non mi è nuovo. Sei mai stato a San Francisco?

- No, mai – rispose il giovane archeologo, armeggiando con l'attizzatoio sui ciocchi scoppiettanti per ravvivare il fuoco – in California sono stato solo a Los Angeles, e fra l'altro proprio recentemente, per una tappa di riposo dopo aver compiuto ricerche in Arizona, e prima di scendere down here in Mexico ... I spent all last weekend, there was a place in Glendale where the food was great!

- L 'Ocean Pie ! - Said Kim rubbed his eyes - That's where I saw you! Were you that guy who always occupies the corner table near the jukebox, with a big book in front of his eyes and concentrated ...

Max opened his eyes in turn, while an amused smile lighting up his face - and you were the one girl who was always at the counter talking with the owners. Impossible not to notice you.

The lively light of the fireplace hid the blush that colors the cheeks of Kim at this compliment - Impossible not to notice me? Micah had a red coat as Supergirl and ankle rattles! - Said with a chuckle embarrassed - The owner of 'Ocean Pie is the husband of my cousin and I stayed a week with them going down to Frisco - added immediately after, to change the subject.

- Yours is a pleasure trip? Or did you come to Mexico to work? Tonight, you mentioned something that has to do with saving the ocean and marine species, right?

- I'm on vacation - Kim said - but yes, working for an organization that takes care of those things ... the Star-Shaped Seashell ...

- La conosco! - la interruppe l'archeologo – Anzi, ho anche collaborato con voi in un paio di occasioni... più che io, il mio Dipartimento, per essere precisi. Il capo è sempre Gracelyn Greene?

Kim sorrise – Si. E proprio lei mi ha praticamente costretta a prendermi un mese di vacanza, dopo che abbiamo risolto un caso particolarmente impegnativo al largo delle coste australiane.

- Interessante... deve essere un lavoro molto difficile, ma che dà soddisfazioni...

- Non sai quanto... entrambe le cose – rispose lei, allungando le braccia sopra la testa e stiracchiandosi, while yawning. The movement picked up the breast, pressing it against the light fabric of her dress, and emphasizing the perfect form, which did not escape the attention of the male residing in the archaeologist.

- Are you tired? We go to bed? - The churches.

- In fact, it was a tiring day, a good night's sleep is what it takes - Kim answered, with another yawn - as it would be nice to chat with you - he added with a shy smile.

Max stood up, holding out his hand - Please, my Lady.

- Thanks Milord - said her, laughing and taking his hand - I see the dear good manners of the old continent have not been removed after years of living with us savages of the New World!

- Good blood does not lie! - He said, while guiding hand in hand out of the hall, and walking toward the stairs leading to the rooms.


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