Tuesday, June 29, 2010

If You Dvr A Show Does It Count As Ratings?

Magic Waters VI


Magic Waters 6 Robi DEF

Continuarono a leggere e commentare le scoperte che uscivano copiose da quel vecchio manoscritto. A quanto affermavano gli antichissimi documenti, Camelot era il nome di un'isola prospiciente il tratto di costa in cui si trovava il castello. Il fatto che, affacciandosi alle molte finestre che davano sull'oceano, non si notasse traccia di terra sorgente dalle acque, né la sua presenza fosse segnata in alcuna mappa, lasciava supporre che quell'isola fosse sprofondata negli abissi in ere precolombiane, magari a causa di qualche maremoto, oppure un movimento della tettonica, particolarmente instabile lungo tutta la costiera ovest dell'America. Sempre che la storia narrata nel libro non fosse fictional. The particular mystery was that at the time of compilation of the manuscript that describes precisely the places, America had not yet been discovered, and the legend of Camelot is known to be a myth of the Old World.

- Oh, this is very late! - Kim suddenly exclaimed, looking at the clock located on the side of the door, whose hands were well over the lunch hour - We stayed in there for hours. Don Melville we'll be looking for ...

- You're right. We have to go. But in here we'll stay here until I return often ...

Ripercorsero the corridor to the lounge, where they found il padrone di casa, comodamente seduto su una poltrona, che leggeva il giornale.

- Salve, miei giovani amici - li salutò col suo consueto sorriso cordiale - Temevo vi foste persi. Questo castello è un labirinto.

Max si grattò la testa – Ci scusi... in effetti qualcosa abbiamo perso, la cognizione del tempo! Abbiamo trovato quella magnifica biblioteca e...

- Capisco – lo interruppe Don Melville – un luogo del genere è una preda troppo ghiotta per uno studioso come lei. E' una delle biblioteche private più antiche del Mondo. Ci sono volumi raccolti nei secoli e custoditi dalla mia famiglia, che come avrete capito proviene from Spain. Actually, I think I've read only a minor part of those books, which is somewhat inconvenient, given the years I spent in this castle ... to consider at its disposal, my young friend, perhaps it will do in these few days, best use of what I did.

- I found an old manuscript very interesting ... comes to Camelot, but not that of King Arthur. It says that Camelot was an island, an island that was just here ...

Don Melville stared at him curiously - Camelot? Interesting. I have not read the manuscript, but as I said, the library is certainly full of informazioni che uno studioso come lei potrà mettere a frutto.

Continuarono a conversare per qualche minuto, poi si diressero in sala da pranzo, per consumare l'abbondante pasto che il Don aveva già predisposto per loro.

Una volta terminato, Max espresse la volontà di tornare a studiare i volumi della biblioteca. Kim, che era ancora provata dall'avventura con l'uragano del giorno precedente, preferì rimanere nel salone, a riposare davanti all'accogliente fuoco che danzava come sempre nel camino. Don Melville si congedò, tornando alle sue occupazioni quotidiane.

La ragazza, non appena rimase sola, si distese sul divano, stiracchiandosi pigramente. Il tepore del fuoco la induceva a rilassare corpo e mente, e prima che se ne accorgesse, cadde in un sonno profondo.

Camminava a piedi nudi lungo un corridoio del castello, fiocamente illuminato da torce poste a intervalli regolari sulle pareti. Fra di esse erano appesi quadri che ritraevano personaggi di diverse epoche, dall'aria importante, apparentemente nobili, se non addirittura re, almeno a giudicare dai paramenti che indossavano e gli accessori: gioielli, diademi, corone, spade... la cosa che la colpiva era la somiglianza fra tutti quei volti, come se appartenessero ad una stessa linea di sangue. Inoltre le parevano stranamente familiari. Finché understood why: the last portrait, which belonged to this subject, it was Max!

A sudden noise behind him shook, something metallic that moved on the floor. She turned slowly, her heart was beating crazy, and hair that stood up at the base of the neck. She was ready to any thing, but not the vision that appeared before his eyes: a man in armor, his face hidden by the heavy shield, shimmering red glow in the light of torches, wielding a huge sword, he was approaching her.

Kim tried to scream but no sound came from the lips. The next appearance is stopped, facing. Slowly raised his sword, pointing it at her. It was a few inches from her face, she could almost feel its cold and cutting edge. He could not move, and already felt the knife tearing the flesh and muscles. But the sword did not move.

Then, with a slow, but steady, the man turned his arm in armor, the sword tip away from the face of Kim, heading for a corridor to the right of her. As if it would mean something, and she turned in that direction, until ...

- Kim! Kim! Where are you?

Max had entered in the hall down the stairs to the right, and the sight of the couch was covered by the big table in the middle of the room.

When he moved a few steps, he saw a head sticking out from behind the wavering back. Kim was, staring at him with a look stunned and surprised, her eyes half shut.

- Were you sleeping? Damn, I'm sorry I woke up ...

- Never mind ... I had a strange dream ... I do not remember the details, but I think there were too ...

Max smiled, sitting on the armrest of the sofa - I was yours? I hope that I have done well. I also believe to have you dreamed of tonight ...

- What an honor! - She said chuckling - and in your dream you behaved well?

Max shrugged, looking deliberately minimizing - Well ... still trying to tell you of my latest shocking discoveries - with continued emphatically - I finished reading the manuscript e. .. apparently this is indeed the Camelot. That is, the kingdom of Camelot, what then would become of Arthur, began precisely on that island ... here in Mexico ... more! It seems to have always been here.

- So the legendary King Arthur instead of the crown wore the sombrero? - Kim said with a laugh.


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