Thursday, June 24, 2010

2010 Hyundai Santa Fe Remote Starter

Magic Waters V

Magic waters 5 Robi

Visit surprised

swam along the hot running underwater for several minutes, savoring the oxygen that came in liquid form in lungs. He was fine, he felt free, a sense of complete abandon as he had never experienced in his life. Schools of small fish the silver dancing around as if to greet her. No sound disturbed the tranquility, no sound ... except ...

Driiin! Driiin! Driiin!

Kim allungò la mano, e spense la sveglia che fastidiosamente l'aveva riportata alla realtà. Aprì gli occhi e con fatica cercò di mettere a fuoco la scena. Era ancora immersa in quel sogno così realistico, che desiderò per un attimo essere davvero una creatura del mare. La stanza era al buio. Guardò il display luminoso: le 8.30. Come poteva essere ancora notte?

Si alzò stiracchiandosi e andò alla finestra, scostando le tende. Fuori era se possibile ancora più cupo che nella stanza. Il cielo coperto da neri nuvoloni, una pioggia scrosciante che non permetteva di vedere oltre pochi metri. La tempesta continuava.

Uscendo dalla camera, dopo essersi prepared to continue their journey, crossed the hall, the young archaeologist. He, too, all dressed up for the start, and with the air of someone who has just woken up. Max looked at her very carefully, giving her a good morning.

down the staircase that Melville saw Don was waiting, arms folded, stroking the white goatee.

- Good morning, my young friends. I see that you are ready, but I fear you will not go anywhere.

The two boys stood on the scale, with a quizzical expression on his face.

- The storm - the man continued - will go ahead so for several days. The radio said. And on top of the rain that never stops from yesterday has made all the roads unsafe. I think you have to pay my hospitality for some time - concluded with a smile.

Max began to descend, followed by Kim - Wow! This is not wanted there, ruin my schedule!

- And my vacation - said the girl, with a gesture of annoyance - but what will go exactly?

Don Melville shrugged - At least a couple of weeks, so they told the news. You will still be my care to make your stay as comfortable possible. I have already prepared the breakfast. Then, if you like, you can visit the castle, is a very interesting place, full of charming corners. I leave you alone, my young friends, I must attend to the matter. Consider my house as yours.

And with a cordial greeting, he turned and disappeared into one of those corners that had just described.

The breakfast was plentiful and tasty, succeeding in part to soothe the frustration over the forced, albeit interesting, stay in the castle.

Kim and Max were walking along the corridors, commenting on the situation which saw them holiday companions, and telling more accurate details of their lives, to know better. They seemed at ease together, and the feeling grew moment by moment, linking them in some way to each other.

Take a corridor to the left, which ended in front of a massive wooden door burnished.

- In your opinion, what is there behind? - Kim asked, laughing and pointing to the heavy dark doors.

- A torture chamber - said the archaeologist, with a satanic grin.

- No - said Kim, turning serious - This castle has only good vibrations ... impossible vi sia qualcosa che ha a che fare con morte, dolore, violenza...

- Max le cinse le spalle con un braccio – Ma io scherzavo, infatti... andiamo a vedere, a questo punto sono curioso.

Avanzarono verso la porta e l'aprirono. Le ante si mossero quasi da sole, lasciando allo sguardo ammirato dei giovani la più grande biblioteca privata avessero mai visto. Una sala di circa cento metri quadrati interamente occupata da scaffali stracolmi di volumi, alti fino ai cinque metri di soffitto.

- Accidenti... - mormorò Max, muovendo i primi, emozionati passi nella sala – quanti libri ci saranno qui dentro?

- Non ne I have no idea ... - Kim said softly - but this room alone could be listed! The books all look very old and valuable ...

- Max wandered around the room, staring at the rows of books, studying securities, precious bindings touching the tip of the fingers - is, in fact ... look here! - Exclaimed, stopping and grabbing a slim volume but large.

began to leaf through it eagerly, and his face expressions are continuing at a fast pace - I can not! This manuscript dates from the early centuries after Christ ... is in Latin, a strange form of Latin, almost Anglicized ... never read niente di simile...

Kim seguiva affascinata i movimenti del compagno, cercando di decifrare quelli che per lei erano solo strani segni sbiaditi, vergati a mano su vecchi fogli ingialliti dal tempo.

- Da quel poco che ci capisco – continuava Max, leggendo il manoscritto – mi pare racconti la storia di un'isola... un'isola nel Pacifico. Ecco, qui ne dice il nome – esclamò improvvisamente, puntando il dito su una riga – e... il nome è... Camelot!

I due giovani si fissarono per lunghi istanti, mentre il silenzio nella biblioteca sembrava avvolgerli in uno spesso manto.


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