Thursday, November 18, 2010

How Does A Scorpio Man Act


This week was very exciting, tomorrow we will do the first report of sales of the scheme and hope that they continue steadily!
Meanwhile, a couple of things:
We managed to make the scheme also sold from the blog!
Just click on the button below the picture and you divert directly to Paypal for payment!
I guess then we will an email and we will send you the pattern but this is still to be tested so be patient, if anything, please get in touch with a blog comment or email.
also included here the button, the price is $ 2.50 (POCO PIU 'DI 2 EURO)

Second thing: the girls in the group from Italy Kal that are always in Ravelry have decided to start working together the pattern!
This thing has made us very happy because it gives just the idea of \u200b\u200bthe union despite the distance. We are all curious to see their versions of Caldocollo in various colors and wool and to hear their impressions!

soon with updates!


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