Saturday, October 24, 2009

Annabel Chong 251 Blog

White Sands-Il Grido delle Onde


And here I return to synchronize your mind with the waves, although in reality, I never stopped doing it. Synchronicity that binds me to the motion of ocean currents and is part of me is something that I could never give up, is imprinted in my nature.
'm still sitting here, on the same rock of a time not too far away, watching the walls of the ocean with the sole purpose of getting crushed on the rocks of this wonderful and magical bay, while in fact the diary of life scattered thoughts and feelings accumulated over the years. A look at the past to rest any questions, and a handful of considerations.
What remains of my loneliness? Nothing, or only a few shreds memories of wrinkled, poorly dissolved in a few grains of sand.
And that margin that blocked the view of the horizon has been shattered by the force of the wind.
Yes, because sitting on the cliff, are no longer alone. Ronny is sitting with me clutching his chest, where I hear the beating of a heart even more wonderful than I had guessed.
Together we hear the cry of the magical waves, although now, more than a cry sounds like a melody sung in two voices, wind and underwater currents.
Ronny Since he arrived at White Sands, my life changed. And when he decided to stay, Everything has changed.
On The Beach is no longer his tent, but our house. We have a huge terrace resting directly on the white sand of this enchanting place, where the evening, often, we hold hands listening to the waves and contemplating the stars ... including that which is lit for the birth of my Surfer, of course! And the walls of the lounge are not made with bricks and cement, no. It is a 'single window from which we can see the ocean even if it pours, even in California does not happen often, actually.
the sun is always here, and its rays illuminate Gary and Rhonda, our mischievous kids who play all day chasing each other, competing to see who flying kites is higher, with the seagulls are the judges.
Ronny has never stopped surfing, and has already begun to teach the use of Carmilla in Gary, who seems born to ride the waves, just like his dad ... took everything from him (apart from the eyes, those are mine!).
And me? I am always looking at him, as when we first met, not from the cliff, however, but from the shore. Why I collect shells along with Rhonda, who then gives it to her proud dad-of which he is madly in love, smiling under the helmet of curls that falls on blacks chubby face.

" I entrusted my Breathe the Wind,
to ensure that they bring to Thee,
and light caresses the soul
as drops caressing the Stars Heaven.
I set fire to my Thoughts,
to feed the flame
warming my winter nights drenched in you,
like tongues of fire that burn with life.
I fed water to the Earth,
affinché possa produrre Frutti Buoni e Robusti,
come Alberi di Gioia dalle solide Radici,
e ampi Rami colmi di Verdi e Vive Foglie.
Ho prestato a Dio la mia Anima e il mio Cuore,
perché li custodisse in un Luogo più sicuro del mio corpo,
come un Battito d’Ali custodito dai Venti,
prima di essere restituito agli Angeli.
Ma Cuore e Anima non mi sono più stati riconsegnati,
Dio li ha regalati a Te.
Per rendere Meravigliosa la mia Vita.”

Ora la mia, anzi la Nostra Vita è perfetta, Ronny è Perfetto. E Unico. E Speciale.
Cos'è che lo rende tale? Non lo so... sarà perché la sua Pura Unicità, l'ha giurata alle Onde, proprio come me.

Epilogo Robi

Niente male... ma ora io sono più bravo di lui a fare Surf!”
you dream about! " Rhonda said, commenting on the beat of Gary, " He is always the best. Of course I have just had a good idea to combine their diaries of the time, and make a single story ... I am biased, but it is the most beautiful love story I have ever read! "
" 's so alive and full of fascinating pictures, which I do not think we will have difficulties to get us out of a script for the film ... and if we have doubts we can ask them. "
" Unless they are too busy to get the little darlings on their red couch in front of the Ocean Terrace! ... The Ocean Terrace ... sounds good! It could be the title of the film! "
" The Terrace Ocean ... not bad at all. Surely appeal to them. "
" I will make a fabulous soundtrack ... see not ruin it with shots from amateur, big brother! "
" I am an amateur? You rather try to avoid confusion between the sheet music for organ and the guitar ... and I recommend guitar reverb, sister! "
Gary and Rhonda laughed, seen from the figures embraced the Surfer and the Undine, who admired their children sitting in front of the ocean, the Terrace of their home.

MoviePoster White Sands 3



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