Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pantomime Praise Costumes

Magic Waters IX


The Magic Rock

As three-dimensional images output from a background emerald colored shapes on the move and other, fire red, cobalt blue, amber - fish and corals, inhabitants of the deep sea - the parades next, emerging from the rocks that marked a massive trail of water. The caudal fin was moving fast, enjoying the uniqueness of those waters, though they were his home.

Surrounded by the pressure of fresh ocean currents, wave felt the medallion on the breast nudo, non prestando attenzione alla sensazione familiare del contatto metallico sulla pelle, concentrata a raggiungere il luogo dell'incontro.

Lentamente dallo schermo smeraldino fatto d'acqua, immagini sfuocate diventavano sempre più limpide e definite: strade, edifici, torri. La città. La consueta animazione di sirene e tritoni popolava gli spazi, rendendo quella visione piena di vita. Si mosse velocemente, agitando con vigore la pinna, diretta verso la formazione rocciosa che delimitava i confini della città, dalla quale si ergevano imponenti colonne che sparivano nel loro slancio verso la superficie dell'oceano.

Lasciata alle spalle l'animazione cittadina, si ritrovò again dipped in the enveloping silence and calm currents. He came close to the rocks and stopped, keeping the location with skilled movements of the fin. He pulled the medallion from his neck and approached a nearly invisible crack between the stones. He introduced the jewel in the slot and, with a thud, muffled by the water pressure, the reef was opened, revealing the transition between his world and to the surface.

entered without delay, and the rock closed behind him. Balanced for a moment on the legs, which had replaced the tail fin, walked down the tunnel leading to the room of the Magic Rock. Now you feel the breath of fresh air che le pizzicava la pelle nuda, facendola rabbrividire.

Giunta sulla soglia della stanza sbatté le palpebre per abituare gli occhi a quelle condizioni di luce, e alla secchezza dell'aria che riempiva il piccolo locale. Era una camera circolare, scavata nella scogliera, illuminata da due torce poste sulle pareti. Al centro campeggiava una roccia massiccia e levigata, probabilmente lavorata dalla mano dell'uomo. Dietro la roccia, dalla parte opposta da dove era entrata, con le spalle imponenti rivolte ad una porta di legno rinforzata in ferro e chiusa, un guerriero in armatura rimaneva immobile come se l'aspettasse.

Avanzò per nulla spaventata da quella visione, che a sua volta si avvicinò Central to the rock, lifting and swinging a heavy sword. With a slow movement the warrior grabbed the hilt with both hands, and put it in stone gray and smooth. And fixing a few steps backwards, he began to take off the heavy helmet, revealing his face.

- Max! Max!

hear the scream his name, the archaeologist awoke with a start, trying to figure out where they came from those cries alarmed. Recovering from the stun of sleep, and recognized the voice of Kim, without wasting time, jumped out of bed and left the room, exceeding by a few walk the stretch of corridor that separated him from hers.

came in and ran toward the bed, where she remained motionless, sitting with his back against the pillow, he kept yelling his name.

- Kim! Pull yourself together! What is it? - Urging the shaking.

- The Warrior ... the medallion ... you! - Kim muttered, rolling his eyes up to meet those about him - Max? What are you doing here?

Archaeologist, reassured, sat on the edge of the bed - I have called you ... or rather, shouted my name as if you were killing! You had a nightmare?

Kim ran a hand through his hair, still confused - A nightmare? Not really, but ... remember my dream this afternoon? That in the warrior's armor?

Max nodded, and she told him the strange dream-like adventure, where, as an inhabitant of the deep sea siren, had gone through a strange underground city, entering a secret cave with the locket found on the beach, and being at the before with the man in iron, which had stuck his sword in the stone and thrown off his helmet.

- He wore a beard and long hair, but ... it was you! The same features ... the same look ...

- Shhhh ... was only a dream - Max whispered, stroking her hair - you are quiet now?

- Yeah, now that you're here ... - Murmured the young man, bending his head and leaning his head on the palm of his hand. Almost without realizing it toyed with the pendant around his neck, the family stone set in the ring of gold. His mind is still excited by the dream created analogies between the medallion and the Mermaid was wearing that old gem.

Continuing to stroke the soft hair of Kim, Max reflected. Certain details of that dream - the medallion, the secret room, the city populated by mermen and mermaids - had many points in common with the results obtained from reading books in the library of the castle.

- if there was really a secret room in this place? - Said, after he made aware of his research - What do you say? Try to find it?

- It would be interesting ... but ... What would you say if we found out Don Melville to wander throughout the castle?

Max smiled, dropping his hand along the soft line of her cheek - We will make sure not to make us feel - he said, while her fingers caressed the neck - are now quiet, Kim?

She leaned her head on his shoulder, closing his eyes - Yes, now I'm quiet ...

Max l'abbracciò forte, respirando il profumo dei suoi capelli, e continuando ad accarezzarla. Poggiò le labbra su quel morbido velo castano e, quasi senza accorgersene, iniziò a baciarla. Kim sollevò la testa e, sempre ad occhi chiusi, avvicinò le labbra alle sue, rispondendo a quel timido approccio.

- Sei sicuro che Don Melville non ci sentirà? - chiese sorridendo.

- Faremo piano piano... - rispose Max, ricambiando il sorriso, e iniziando a slacciarle i bottoni del pigiama di seta blu.


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