Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mercer Flesh Eating Bacteria


Caps galore we might say!
Here we are again proposing a number of easy implementation and hats that can still become a little thoughts for gifts di Natale perchè si realizzano in pochissime ore!
Questi due modelli sono molto semplici di velocissima e facilissima realizzazione anche per le principianti, anzi per le knit-purl women una definizione perfetta che adoro e che mi ha ispirato una signora iscritta a Ravelry Ohiolady66 di SPRINGBORO USA!
Qui la scelta della lana è determinante. Se si vuole un effetto sbarazzino si puo’ optare per lane come quella che vedete in foto…calde, colorate e sempre diverse!
Se si vuole un effetto piu’ glamour si puo’scegliere un tinta unita o bicolore magari tono su tono.
Le due versioni sono queste e si differenziano solo per la lunghezza che permette il risvolto!

I versione

II version

But we come to the explanation.
The yarn I used is unknown, in the sense that I bought a rock with no name to the market but I can tell you that I have worked with the irons, 6. (I did not sample but I will 'soon to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe points in relation to centimeters)
I used the irons straight and I put 71 stitches.
Follow these steps to about 12 cm:

1 Iron: 1 dir, 1 dir rov * 3, a rov * repeat from * to * and end with a 2 iron
dir: dir * 3, a rov * repeat from * * and end with 3 dir

then knitting stitch (1 dir iron 1 ferro rov) calare come segue:

*8 dir, 2 maglie insieme a dritto* ripetere da * a * e terminare con 1 dir
*7 dir, 2 maglie insieme a dritto* ripetere da * a * e terminare con 1 dir
*6 dir, 2 maglie insieme a dritto* ripetere da * a * e terminare con 1 dir
*5 dir, 2 maglie insieme a dritto* ripetere da * a * e terminare con 1 dir
*4 dir, 2 maglie insieme a dritto* ripetere da * a * e terminare con 1 dir
*3 dir, 2 maglie insieme a dritto* ripetere da * a * e terminare con 1 dir
*2 dir, 2 maglie insieme a dritto* ripetere da * a * e terminare con 1 dir
*1 dir, 2 maglie insieme a dritto* ripetere da * a * e terminare con 1 dir

2 sts then work together to stay with 7 links to be closed simultaneously by passing needle through all the wool sweaters.
For stitching, pull the two flaps right sides together and use at will one of the ways shown in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSsx_J4OTHA

In version II must extend the hand-worked coasts imagination in order to allow the flap. In practice it is a beautiful point and reversible in this case it works for about 16-17 centimeters.
Sew the two flaps on the back and make the cheerleader.

instructions for making pom-poms with the image taken from the site of Donnamoderna:

• Take a cardboard and draw two donuts equal, then crop them. Their size will depend on the size of the cheerleader.

• JOIN THE TWO BOXES CIAMBELLE and roll them around the wire wool until all the card will be covered (see image).

• Cut the wool along the outer edge of the donut by inserting the tip of the scissors between the two cards

• Distance between them the two cardboard disks and pass a thread of wool in the same color between the two donuts and then squeeze and tie a knot. At this point you can remove the cards.

The diameter of the cardboard used here is about 7-8 cm

Hallo guys!
We've two versions of a very simple hat that you can knit for a fast Christmas gift!
This is a hat perfect for the "knit-purl woman"...this definition was inspired to me from Ohiolady66 - SPRINGBORO USA!

You can choose a multicoloured yarn or a solid colour yarn as you like, to obtain different effects...The difference between the two versions is the lenght of the ribbed section.
The yarn I've used is unknown, bought at market but I've used US 10 - 6 mm needles (soon I'll make the gauge to help you in the choise of yarn).

I've used linear needles and casted on 71 stitches.

First version:

Knit 4.7 inch (12 cm) as follows:

1 Row: K1, P1 *K3, P1* repeat from * to * and end with K1
2 Row: *K3, P1* repeat from * to * and end with K3

Than go on working in garther stitch (first row knit next row purl) and decrease as follows:

*K8, K2together* repeat from * to * and end with k1
*K7, K2together* repeat from * to * and end with k1
*K6, K2together* repeat from * to * and end with k1
*K5, K2together* repeat from * to * and end with k1
*K4, K2together* repeat from * to * and end with k1
*K3, K2together* repeat from * to * and end with k1
*K2, K2together* repeat from * to * and end with k1
*K1, K2together* repeat from * to * and end with k1

Then Knit two stitches together till you have 7 stitches left. Pass a tail of yarn into this 7 stitches with a needle and close them together.

In the second version you've to knit 6.70 inch with ribbed stitch to fold up cuff as this ribbed stitch is a beautiful reversible stitch!
Sew the edges on wrong side and make the pon pon!
Good knit!

Cappellino Knit-purl woman hat I&II ( Italiano )
Istruzioni in PDF
Knit-purl woman hat I&II ( English )
Pattern PDF

Nella colonna di sinistra , trovate the instructions in Italian
(You can find the pattern in Inglese left here!)


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