Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Normal For Cervical Mucus To Be Chunky

If not now when. It 'the right thing. TAC_Tutti home for 1 year

Post 0014

In attesa di tempi migliori. Domani è un'altro giorno. Si vedrà.

Se non ora quando  si disse Noè osservando la pioggia a catinelle fuori della finestra, prima di iniziare a costruire l’arca.
S e non ora quando  concordarono i Bassotti vedendo Zio Paperone partire con Paperino e i nipoti alla real treasure of yet, the first to attack and rob the store.
If not now when the mirror said the pirate Blackbeard advised him to shave, having them go on a first date with the daughter of the Black Corsair.
S and not now when Roberto Benigni must have thought before you run and jump like a madman when he was awarded the Oscar.
If not now when are the exact words he heard in his dream Michelangelo Buonarroti the day before deciding to paint the Last Judgement in the Sistine Chapel.
S and not now when cried the old spider man asking him to climb up and pull down his cat.
If not now when asked about a planet that Captain Kirk was to explode the phlegmatic Dr. Spock, it was uncertain whether or not the event to start the remote transport.
If not now when it is rumored to have replied Jack Kerouac to a motorist who had asked him why he went around the country alone, and especially so young.
If not now when it is said to have thought Popeye before eating his first plate of spinach - food that in his youth he was not pleased at all, this is ... a scoop - then run to save Oliver from the clutches of Brutus.
If not now when it is rumored to have replied Captain Nemo - Captain called the crew "short arms" Nemo, another scoop ... - before leaving for a trip of no less than twenty thousand leagues to the gas station attendant who asked him why did the full.
If not now when they thought, said and cried and always will think, say and understand those who will cry when it comes time to do the right thing.
And if not now when have said and cry and cry and always say to them in many, waiting for them to do the right thing.
If this were not enough, as far as I'm concerned, if not now when I said when I gave my first kiss to my partner.
And if not now when must have thought she, too, otherwise we would still be together ...



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