Monday, February 14, 2011

Source With Pokemon On Cydia


We promised to provide answers to all those who have left a comment at Candy Blog and who have left suggestions for improving this blog.
That's the time!

Most of you asked us to continue to offer plans, whether created by us or translated from English, but easy to implement .
certainly continue to do so because we saw that the designers of the English language are well and ready to give permissions to translations in Italian!
But we would like to emphasize something very important: Put all in my head that once you're comfortable with editing the mesh, with the forehand and backhand, while starting from a very simple things everything else is not as difficult as you might find it ...

Above dare you! If you stop ABC you lose a lot of good things , from the satisfaction of learning new things and pride to "succeed" without paying in advance the limits!
And we'd like that before crash immediately before the first encounter by just echoing a call for help, you try to use the tools available and a bit of insight and creativity to overcome the difficulties.
None of us is born and we are almost all self-taught knitters. Although we know that is more 'easy to ask, we'd like a glimpse of the personal initiative ...

We are planning to make in this regard as soon as we can organize ourselves, movie that will certainly be much more 'comprehensive written explanations. Hopefully, this way of being able to pick up the shoes to those who have never done and to explain certain passages and points that may be less simple. We are well aware that there are already many online video but most are in English and already the research could lead to problems. We will see how to develop this thing.

Another very popular request for the graphics. Unfortunately, the template chosen by us does in fact contain the size of the written part of some 'small. The Alternatives were two completely change or graphics (but risk 'of losing some valuable information) or play around with HTML codes modello già esistente (che non è proprio cosa semplicissima). Abbiamo per ora optato per questa seconda soluzione e, dopo una serata di studio, siamo riuscite a venirne a capo, per cui a breve vedrete un po' più di spazio vitale ...
L'unico difetto è che le immagini rimarranno del formato attuale ma sono sempre tutte cliccabili e quindi potrete vederle in formato piu' grosso. Ora vediamo se è possibile inserire la possibilità di ingrandirle passandoci sopra il mouse.
Per quanto riguarda invece qualcuno che proponeva di inserire banner, gadget e altro noi vorremmo al contrario mantenere la grafica piu' pulita , essenziale e di facile consultazione. Troppe informazioni confondono and you may not find what you are looking for.

The comment on the reviews of the yarn we found it very useful. In fact you can not always choose the right yarn for the selected project or to understand how to make a specific wool. Frankly we're not the expert but maybe we'd create a sort of handbook of yarn used by you with your notes that may be useful to everyone.
I personally buy wool to the market and often times there is no tie with the brand and composition. And frankly I smile (inside and out) when I can spend one third despite having bought good quality yarn!
should in fact come to understand that a yarn è di medio-buona qualità senza leggere ma tastando con mano...Un po' come quando "sentite" la differenza tra un maglione di cachemere e uno di acrilico per intenderci!
Riusciamo a imbastire questa cosa insieme?

Altra cosa che vorremmo dire è riguardante la tipologia di schemi . Sappiamo che ci sono delle categorie che non sono mai state affrontate da noi.
La categoria uomo per esempio e quella bambino. Ci lavoreremo....sarà più facile per reperibilità in rete e per velocità di esecuzione che proporremo schemi dedicati ai più piccoli ma non disperate!

Ed infine oggi è il gran giorno della spedizione dei due pacchetti delle vincitrici, qui sotto un paio di immagini .... e a presto per il contenuto!!!


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