Monday, February 28, 2011

Vehicles Sprite Sheets

... Se però anche certa sinistra va a scuola privata

"Berlusconi - has protested the entire political left - can not and should not privilege the private school weakened the public."
more than just protest. Institutionally, because Italy is a secular state. Socially because is due to be adequately supported the school is not school and all of a minority that has other privileges. Only some exponents of the political left should have the good taste, because they do not have the consistency, not to intervene on the issue. Who? For example, Giovanna Melandri has joined his daughter at the "College of St. Joseph of Casaletto. Anna Finocchiaro who registered their children in a private institute in Catania. Beppe Fioroni who registered his son in high school "Cardinal Regonesi" Viterbo, run by the Congregation of "Marist Brothers." Michele Santoro has joined her daughter to 'French institute "Chateaubriand". Nanni Moretti, which has entered its figlio all'istituto inglese "Ambrit international school". Ma dovrebbero tacere, anche, i genitori di quel tredicenne Giovanni che, al "Palasharp" di Milano si è guadagnato una "standing ovation" attaccando - magari giustamente - il Governo in carica. Dovrebbero tacere, insieme con il loro cresciuto Giovannino, perché il cresciuto Giovannino non frequenta la scuola pubblica del suo quartiere, ma l'esclusivo e carissimo istituto privato ambrosiano "San Carlo".


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