Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Installation Problem Pl2303

False bomb threat at Malpensa

Oggi pomeriggio verso le 12.45e stato generato un falso allarme bomba, il tutto sencondo il personale di servizio di Malpensa sarebbe partito dal ritrovamento di un pachetto nella zona dei bagni presso lo scalo numero 10. Il pacco ritovato sarebbe di forma quadrata ed incerottato con del nastro adesivo per pacchi tipo quello delle poste con una piccolissima antenna che usciva dal medesimo. Gli artificieri intervenuti alla Malpensa aeroporto hanno subito neutralizzato il pacco finta bomba e sgomberato la zona circostante dai tanti curiosi soppravenuti.

Aeroporto e tutta la zona Malpansa non hanno subito nessuna ripercussione per gli iincidenti causati ed i voli hanno svolto la loro normale trafila.La Proxy Bust Arzizio meanwhile opened an investigation against persons unknown for all procured arme.Si think it is a document crafted to create fear and confusion at Malpensa airport, then it will increase checks on suspects Baggage ee abnormal movements.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sample Welcome Letter For Out Of Town Guets

canceled all flights to Malpensa airport

The recent perturbation created a wave from the Atlantic to do bad weather that hit most of the Italian territory and nearly all national and international airports . Malpensa airport this morning good morning was one of the ugliest of the past 10 years with more than 40 centimitri snow Malpensa throughout the area the day began in chaos, creating great inconvenience to all travelers in Milan city have taken over the military services also designed to clear the roads. Malpensa airport is scheduled to close until at least 13:00 this afternoon while strong signal difficulties for incoming flights, many people also had to spend the night at Malpensa airport because of the impracticability of the surrounding stade. In Bergamo, the situation is the same and also the airport of Orio-out and at least all morning. Italian Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa is running a crisis cell to cope with non-Organization of the municipalities concerned provided, however, the wave of bad weather for several days prima.Le rail transport are certainly no longer suffer from the Organisation causing considerable inconvenience to travelers and commuters on canceled 400 trains and ritarti on all routes. Gi offices of the Italian Civil protevione via sparse early this morning called on all automibilisti not to travel in the coming hours still providing abundant snowfall throughout northern Italy.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What Is The Tax Percentage On Sweepstakes

Airports Malpensa Airport Malpensa

today after a 12-hour flight from Singapore landed at Malpensa airport in Milan and get off the plane I go in a hurry to check the passport so everything is normal apart from the expectation that it would be avoided by adding an extra door. More and more travel I am going to pick up my luggage but not even the shadow of storage for well over 30 minutes. Finally, my luggage arrived after 45 minutes given I had no exact date or in the parking lot outside the airport quacuno that I have come to take the car. At this point coming from abroad want to buy a sim card to call my client in Milan just a waiting my call, ask for information on where to buy the new number to the service personnel dell'aeroporo Malpensa (would be the same for 'Linate airport) all look at me as if you ask for something amazing until I viene risposto che posso comprarla a Milano, vi immaginate un'aeroporto internazionale come quello di Malpensa non hà uno e dico uno che vende le carte sim per il cellulare? il chè vuol dire che tutti gli stranieri che arrivano in Italia non possono dall'aeroporto cambiare operatore per il proprio cellulare e sono obbligati a comperare una mediovale carta magnetica e telefonare da un telefono pubblico se lo trovano e se è funzionante per comunicare nel 2009 con il proprio interlocutore, personalmente in tutti i paesi che sono stato non mi era mai successo di poter cambiare la carta sim all'aeroporto. Rassegnato ed impotente vogli aquistare una carta magnetica per il telefono pubblico ma non ho in tasca soldi in Euro per cui devo ritornare nei miei passi per andare to change money in the only change for all the arrivals hall of the airport of Malpensa, quick to let you all
cost me in term of time from the moment I landed at Malpensa Airport two hours and thirty minutes, there have any kind of excuse or justification in this regard and in terms of any international traveler who arrives at the airport of Malpensa consideration is that the more of something does not work at Malpensa, but also in all the Italian airports. In this blog we want to update the title Malpensa Airport passengers of everything that happens and how they are served daily from their arrival at Malpensa airport car park until their departure.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Microsoft Ultimate Steal Contact

Two Voices speaking as One

Ti Amo,

these days, when you miss me, close your eyes ...

let the notes of that song, whisper a hug ...

the dedication of my thinking.

And I'll be there.

You think that without those notes will be Rays of Sun ... that shine at night, why not pass when I'm not in your arms.

Splenderò per te, Amore…

E non passerà momento senza un Raggio di Sole: un pensiero, una carezza e un bacio.  

So che tu farai lo stesso e sentirò le Onde del Mare parlarmi.


the waves caressing your face and they'll tell you I love every second.

The sun will shine on you and will warm embrace with her, day and night, every moment tell you I love you and will my voice.

The Sun with its rays pass through the waters of the Sea, will merge with my thoughts, which are yours, and together will sing the melody of 'Love: ours.

in the sea, your thoughts are mine, your my: a song for two voices that are in harmony.

Love WE, WE.

U.S. and nothing else.

I love you.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why Does It Burn When I Pee While On My Period

                                     Aeroporto Malpensa

Monday, November 16, 2009

What Is A Mini Brazilian Wax


remember ...

Attraversai l’America, era la prima volta,

panorami intravisti nei Tuoi occhi...

Quant'era strano...

Schermi gemelli, uniti sulla stessa


your eyes ...

that reflect visions

of my spirit, made of Wind and Fire,

and the way in which I saw was also


and already I could give him our name.

remember ...

when Atlantis was sleeping

sleep in the Tower closed hermetically

in that sea where so many times,

me I was lost, torn, combined

screaming in a silent prayer,

a breath of life that from the depths

Who would reach its reemergence

the undercurrent ...

remember ...

the sun shining in Liverpool,

in those gray days of spring,

when the pain became the father of Hope,

and never forget ...

And the heat of late May,

that more and more strong,

forever protect

la mia Rinascita...

Gocce di Pensieri, leggeri e dolci,

riuniti in una Sacra Celebrazione,

Onde infinite in un Oceano di Emozioni,

più Forti nel loro incedere,

da quando il Vento, saggio misterioso,

le ha rese spose del Tempo e dello Spazio,

pushing their bike in California,

on the beach where I can

love you,

against the rock where no longer alone

cry my crazy, huge, pure

love song.

Thanks, Love Mio ..

Thank you, thank you to exist again.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tvcenter Sound Problems

Halloween Party

stared hypnotized half-naked forms of the Vampire, sensual dancing under the psychedelic lights. Pierre was beginning to enjoy himself, he did not like too consumerist messages stuck in traditional festivals such as Halloween.
But could not miss that, seeing as to organize it was Ronnie and Maggie, who had rented apposta la villa settecentesca nel Quartiere Francese. Ronnie gli aveva spiegato che era una delle case più singolari di New Orleans: qualche decennio prima vi era avvenuto un fatto di sangue senza spiegazioni. La figlia ventenne della coppia che vi abitava era stata uccisa – a morsi, raccontavano le cronache dell'epoca – senza che si fosse mai trovato il colpevole. L'unico indizio, che però non era servito a far luce sul fatto, era una piccola quantità di terra trovato sul pavimento di cucina, accanto al cadavere della ragazza. Questo, e il fatto che la villa sorgeva a pochi passi dal cimitero, la rendevano il luogo perfetto per un party di Halloween.
- Da quando gli Zombi sono attratti dai Vampiri? - disse una voce alle sue spalle.
Pierre si voltò, fissando la ragazza che aveva parlato. Era truccata da morta vivente, come lui. Il volto dipinto con tinte verdognole, gli occhi cerchiati di nero, un lungo abito a fiori strappato in più punti e sporco di una perfetta imitazione di muffa mista a terriccio. Era un costume così perfetto che sembrava appena uscita da La Notte dei Morti Viventi , il film del momento.
- Tu da quale tomba arrivi? - replicò Pierre. Quella festa stava diventando sempre più interessante.
- La 2302, e tu?
- Molto divertente... comunque io sono Pierre Quixote. Come ti chiami?
- Pauline de la Dalene. Ti va di fare un giro... o preferisci rimanere a fissare il culo di quella Vampira a go-go nella gabbia?
- Non mi piacciono gli incroci fra 'razze'... preferisco i miei simili, miss de la Dalene!!! – rispose ridendo Pierre, prendendola sottobraccio.

Camminavano sul marciapiede che delimitava il cimitero, mentre dietro di loro, la musica giungeva sfumata dall'interno della villa, dove la festa era al culmine.
Alimentati dall'atmosfera strana e piena di mistero di Halloween, i loro discorsi toccavano argomenti sempre più audaci, e nonostante si fossero appena conosciuti, Pierre sentiva che quella ragazza sought a more material. The vitality of his early twenties led him to accept those avanches, thinking this was his lucky night.
They stopped in front of the entrance to the cemetery. Despite the discomfort that the smell of death - which could only come from the grave a few feet of them - caused gl, Pierre embraced the girl, pulling her with force, and shut her lips in kiss, stick his tongue in mouth before she could protest.
- What did you eat? - Exclaimed, pulling out his tongue, looking disgusted.
- To tell the truth - Pauline said, grabbing hands - not eaten for so long ...
With a sudden motion, she bowed her head and bit the hand of Pierre. The pain made him retract his arm, screaming. Stared at him unable to believe what his eyes revealed: the first two fingers of his right were no longer there, and the blood spurted from the stump and dark button.
Pierre's screams had come to the villa, and already someone was rushing to see what had happened. No one had had time to see the female figure dressed as the living dead who had fled inside the cemetery, as Pierre had begun to scream.

Lying naked in the room Charity Hospital, Pierre was giving his deposition at a paunchy middle-aged police officer sitting next to the bed.
- Young! Of course you're just strange ... certainly was doped up to the acid. Did he tell you his name? - The policeman asked, lifting the pen from the book.
Pierre button again shaken and incredulous bandage that covered the entire right hand - Yeah .. gave her name as Pauline ... Pauline de la Dalene, I think.
The agent began to write that name, but stopped almost immediately, looking up and staring at Pierre with a curious expression - Pauline de la Dalene? Are you sure you boy?
- Si, era proprio quello il nome... perché?
- Perché ti ha preso in giro! Pauline de la Dalene abitava in quella casa. Fu uccisa più di vent'anni fa, e da allora la villa è rimasta disabitata.

Le parole del poliziotto non davano pace alla mente sconvolta di Pierre. C'era qualcosa di strano in quella storia, un particolare che non tornava. Nei giorni successivi chiese a tutti gli amici, a cominciare da Ronnie e Maggie, informazioni circa Pauline, o comunque si chiamasse. Nessuno la conosceva, e fra gli invitati non c'era alcuna ragazza corrispondente alla sua descrizione.
Il moncone gli faceva sempre più male, invece to heal, and he felt very weak, prey to a languor that at times prevented him from any action, even the simplest.
was taking shape in his mind an absurd hypothesis, indeed, impossible ... but the only one that could somehow explain everything that had happened. He had to check.

was one o'clock at night and no sound broke the silence of the cemetery, except the regular noises of land that was stirred by a paddle.
Pierre was digging the grave number 2302. Which corresponded to that of Pauline de la Dalene. So the girl, if indeed I had made fun of, knew the story well. But if his absurd hypothesis was true, had not been teased ...
digging feverishly, despite the excruciating pain in my hand was now, and he could scarcely stand. But he must know ...
With a final effort to rid the surface of the coffin from the soil. He stayed a few minutes to secure the timber lid eaten by time and humidity. He wanted to know but at the same time he was afraid of the answer. By becoming
force bent down and with the help of an iron bar that lifted the lid, slowly but firmly. His guess was right!
Pauline de la Dalene was lying in his coffin. Just that he had met Pauline at the party: the same shade greenish skin, same flowered dress torn and stained with mildew and mold.
She covered her face filled with disbelief and horror, her eyes rimmed with black Pauline opened, and you, spitting out the index finger cut off, burst into a laugh that rang with an echo beyond the grave.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Annabel Chong 251 Blog

White Sands-Il Grido delle Onde


And here I return to synchronize your mind with the waves, although in reality, I never stopped doing it. Synchronicity that binds me to the motion of ocean currents and is part of me is something that I could never give up, is imprinted in my nature.
'm still sitting here, on the same rock of a time not too far away, watching the walls of the ocean with the sole purpose of getting crushed on the rocks of this wonderful and magical bay, while in fact the diary of life scattered thoughts and feelings accumulated over the years. A look at the past to rest any questions, and a handful of considerations.
What remains of my loneliness? Nothing, or only a few shreds memories of wrinkled, poorly dissolved in a few grains of sand.
And that margin that blocked the view of the horizon has been shattered by the force of the wind.
Yes, because sitting on the cliff, are no longer alone. Ronny is sitting with me clutching his chest, where I hear the beating of a heart even more wonderful than I had guessed.
Together we hear the cry of the magical waves, although now, more than a cry sounds like a melody sung in two voices, wind and underwater currents.
Ronny Since he arrived at White Sands, my life changed. And when he decided to stay, Everything has changed.
On The Beach is no longer his tent, but our house. We have a huge terrace resting directly on the white sand of this enchanting place, where the evening, often, we hold hands listening to the waves and contemplating the stars ... including that which is lit for the birth of my Surfer, of course! And the walls of the lounge are not made with bricks and cement, no. It is a 'single window from which we can see the ocean even if it pours, even in California does not happen often, actually.
the sun is always here, and its rays illuminate Gary and Rhonda, our mischievous kids who play all day chasing each other, competing to see who flying kites is higher, with the seagulls are the judges.
Ronny has never stopped surfing, and has already begun to teach the use of Carmilla in Gary, who seems born to ride the waves, just like his dad ... took everything from him (apart from the eyes, those are mine!).
And me? I am always looking at him, as when we first met, not from the cliff, however, but from the shore. Why I collect shells along with Rhonda, who then gives it to her proud dad-of which he is madly in love, smiling under the helmet of curls that falls on blacks chubby face.

" I entrusted my Breathe the Wind,
to ensure that they bring to Thee,
and light caresses the soul
as drops caressing the Stars Heaven.
I set fire to my Thoughts,
to feed the flame
warming my winter nights drenched in you,
like tongues of fire that burn with life.
I fed water to the Earth,
affinché possa produrre Frutti Buoni e Robusti,
come Alberi di Gioia dalle solide Radici,
e ampi Rami colmi di Verdi e Vive Foglie.
Ho prestato a Dio la mia Anima e il mio Cuore,
perché li custodisse in un Luogo più sicuro del mio corpo,
come un Battito d’Ali custodito dai Venti,
prima di essere restituito agli Angeli.
Ma Cuore e Anima non mi sono più stati riconsegnati,
Dio li ha regalati a Te.
Per rendere Meravigliosa la mia Vita.”

Ora la mia, anzi la Nostra Vita è perfetta, Ronny è Perfetto. E Unico. E Speciale.
Cos'è che lo rende tale? Non lo so... sarà perché la sua Pura Unicità, l'ha giurata alle Onde, proprio come me.

Epilogo Robi

Niente male... ma ora io sono più bravo di lui a fare Surf!”
you dream about! " Rhonda said, commenting on the beat of Gary, " He is always the best. Of course I have just had a good idea to combine their diaries of the time, and make a single story ... I am biased, but it is the most beautiful love story I have ever read! "
" 's so alive and full of fascinating pictures, which I do not think we will have difficulties to get us out of a script for the film ... and if we have doubts we can ask them. "
" Unless they are too busy to get the little darlings on their red couch in front of the Ocean Terrace! ... The Ocean Terrace ... sounds good! It could be the title of the film! "
" The Terrace Ocean ... not bad at all. Surely appeal to them. "
" I will make a fabulous soundtrack ... see not ruin it with shots from amateur, big brother! "
" I am an amateur? You rather try to avoid confusion between the sheet music for organ and the guitar ... and I recommend guitar reverb, sister! "
Gary and Rhonda laughed, seen from the figures embraced the Surfer and the Undine, who admired their children sitting in front of the ocean, the Terrace of their home.

MoviePoster White Sands 3


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cycle Blend-imperial Osterizer

White Sands-Il Grido delle Onde

XIV. L'Onda Perfetta
Seconda Parte

Mi prese per mano e andammo a sederci nella tenda. Non parlammo molto quella sera, ci guardavamo sorridendo, e basta.
Eravamo sdraiati l'uno di fronte all'altra, e io non avrei voluto essere in nessun altro luogo, se non lì, accanto a lui.
Ronny si addormentò esausto, e io restai tutta la notte a guardarlo accarezzandogli il viso. Chissà se stava sognando ancora gabbiani e delfini parlanti, oppure ondine che sbucavano dal fondo dell'oceano per salvargli la vita... Ma per quanto sorrideva, sicuramente doveva essere un sogno meraviglioso.

Una Notte Perfetta è un Bagliore d’Eterno
che salpa ai confini della Realtà,
un Riflesso di Cuore che bathes in the Juice of Life.
You feel waves of emotions assaulting the soul gently
lightning that discharged thousands of electric shock
Varco in a time-dimensional Tormenta.
a perfect night is to slide between the warm hands of a Dream,
lull between kisses a Sigh of Hurricane,
have the road to heaven
Trails lost in the burning of a fire storm.
a perfect night and tighten many perfect night.
a perfect night and beg to continue to be mine.
a perfect night and seek again ...
a perfect night and looking into my eyes and urlarTi Love
As I lose myself in You. "

" Lazy daughters of the wind and tide, the current hot ladies from the Gulf of Mexico, across thousands of miles and centuries of enchantment, dancing on the stage of the Atlantic, brilliant the light which vibrates there, in that island beloved Archangel.

bring the voice of the salt of the Tropics, and the music of ancient magic, renewed in the sweet smile that awaits beyond the ocean, on a rock, sitting and thoughtful, but full of grace marina. The hair strands that are playing with the rays of the sun in his eyes that cry sparks immortal love.

wandering Waves that travel the routes of the seagulls rise and fall, jump and do somersaults, and each brings a gift and a miracle, a kiss and a sigh, the wonder of Time, and Life.

Quando giungono a lambire lo scoglio dove siede l’Ondina, si accovacciano ai Suoi piedi, Le parlano sottovoce, e Lei sorride ancora, ed ancora, ed ancora.”

Sandy si gira verso la mia figura distesa accanto a lei, sulla battigia della spiaggia bianca, e sorride. Io mi sono addormentato, e nei tenui colori del tramonto sembro un bimbo che sogni favole, popolate di eroi e arcobaleni, imprese da compiere e principesse da salvare. Mi accarezza dolcemente il volto, poi si alza in piedi, fissando l'oceano aprirsi davanti a lei, vasto, infinito.
-Ciao, figlia del mare,- dice una voce alla sua destra, in a tone reminiscent of a cartoon.
Sandy turns around, and responds to the greeting of the seagull, which looks east from the cliff, with a sardonic smile,-Hello, Miguel.
-bet you can not wait to get a swim - it incorporates the gull-what are you waiting? Go
Sandy back staring at the sea, then the seagull. Then began to run toward the waves, warm water from the White Sands, with his feet hopping merrily. Finally plunges into the ocean, rapidly disappearing from the underwater currents.
swims for hours, most of the night, without going back to the surface, waving the fish which meets, and playing with the shells multi-colored, resting on the seabed, a heart filled with a childlike joy that seems to have never tried before. Meet his friends dolphins and swim with them along the current, responding to their calls, singing their songs. The time seems not to exist, as the night slowly gives way to day, and the sunlight begins to filter into the water, with golden rays that form halos emerald ocean.
Sandy is happy. He smiles to the dolphins, which swim around playfully, and slowly moves towards the coast. Leaves the water and walking with sure steps towards the point where I still sleep. The water falls in small drops of pearl along the body, fresh and light as a caress di una nuvola.
Giunta presso di me, si accoccola sul bagnasciuga, mi guarda e sorride. Mentre il sole sale piano sopra l'orizzonte, e l'Oceano brilla di miliardi di stelle, mi si distende accanto, aspettando il mio risveglio.
Ho sognato molto da quando sono a White Sands, ma questo forse è stato il sogno più bello che abbia mai fatto.

E' una storia così bella che sembra davvero un Sogno!”
Se non avessero creduto in quei Sogni, forse non ci sarebbe stata nessuna storia da raccontare.”
E anche la figura dell'Ondina nasce da un sogno...”
...e l'Ondina, come tutti i loro sogni, è diventata Realtà.”

13-2 samy

Friday, October 16, 2009

Land Value At Chennai

White Sands-Il Grido delle Onde

XIII. L'Onda Perfetta

These two hours have flown, filled with preparations, and at the same time every second building seemed to be crystallized and, as happens when the long-awaited moment, a life perhaps, is approaching. How many times in the time of Platform Beach, I felt that feeling, when, with the boys of Squad , expect the first waves of the storm, and how many times we were deceived in the midst of those there was the perfect wave?
has arrived, and how sempre accade quando passato presente e futuro si avvicinano al loro punto focale, il tempo perde ogni regola. Mentre preparo la tavola, lubrificandola con estrema attenzione, perché l'attrito con la cresta dell'Onda non comprometta l'equilibrio, una volta in piedi, e controllo ogni centimetro del legno che mi ha accompagnato per anni, frammenti di memoria mi sfrecciano nella mente, troppo velocemente perché possa afferrarli, e soffermarmici, ma ognuno dei quali con una lezione, o un avvertimento da dare. L'esperienza accumulata in anni di Surf, che contribuisce a prepararmi, per incontrare nel modo migliore l'Onda Perfetta.
E finalmente arriva. Eccola, là davanti, a qualche centinaio di metri dalla battigia, while speed is approached, although it seems very slow pace in its liquid, and gets up lazily. Now you have two meters high, eight feet. When you arrive at the coast, will likely double. There are bigger waves than that, faster and more stable, but not the size or the chemical and physical characteristics, to make a wave, the perfect wave. It 's the way that every molecule of his anatomy is reflected in your.
By Sandy watching me, sitting on the rocks in the usual position-knees against his chest and his head tilted slightly to the left-by in the water, and I lay on the table, slowly paddling with their hands in the direction Wave.
As I approach, the sea tends to bend under me, and starts to get up in front of a wall of emerald compact liquid substance. The fixed, and I feel that she fixed me with his eyes elemental facts of molecules of hydrogen and oxygen, and a puff of air at low pressure, which comes from the cloud of water spray that covers the ridge.
And finally are at the base. While the strength of the current overcomes gravity, lift up to the crest of the wave, my breath is docked in the lungs and the heart starts beating like crazy, pumping blood to his temples, that pulse in time. They are soon on the ridge, and I rise up on the board.
remain in balance for a few seconds while the foam surrounds the table, and I try the best position to dart in parallel with the motion of the wave. The cloud has lifted, and forms a barrier over my head, preventing the sun's rays of glare, allowing me to open my arms while shooting in parallel with the crest of the wave, and the surface of the sea.
I raise my arms and I feel the cloud between my fingers, the table is perfectly balanced on, while the diagonally through at an incredible speed. At that moment, wave and cloud go hand in hand, through me, inside and outside of me ... then, for a split second that lasts forever, la tavola si stacca dalla superficie dell'acqua, e io volo.
In questo istante comprendo. Che il Tempo ha un senso, lo Spazio ha un senso, la Vita ha un senso. Che siamo Acqua. Nell'Acqua dell'esistere. E nella mente, nell'anima, nel cuore, e in ogni muscolo, fibra, tendine, nel sangue e nelle molecole, nelle articolazioni e nelle strade che uniscono le sinapsi, creando il pensiero, sento vibrare la Parola che muove i pianeti, gli atomi e tiene unito l'Universo, rendendolo infinito.
Quella Parola, per me, ha il colore dell'Oceano, a White Sands, quando si specchia negli occhi di Sandy.

Lo ammiravo col cuore in gola, ero contenta per lui, stava realizzando il sogno della sua vita. Anche se, ora che aveva trovato l'Onda, sarebbe sicuramente andato via da me, a cercare un'altra Onda Perfetta chissà dove.
A quel pensiero non riuscii a trattenere lacrime bollenti, che rigarono il mio viso segnandolo con la consapevole paura che avevo sempre avuto, fin da quando Ronny era arrivato a White Sands: che prima o poi mi avrebbe lasciato.
Uscì dall'acqua strisciando Carmilla sulla sabbia, e correndo verso di me, mentre sorrideva ancora eccitato dalla Surfata della sua vita. Asciugai gli occhi e saltai giù dagli scogli, andandogli incontro.
-Sei stato grande, mi hai fatto fermare il cuore!
-Avresti dovuto sentire il mio quando ero là in cima!- disse lui ancora in estasi, -Ma... cosa c'è?- mi chiese preoccupato, notando evidentemente i miei occhi lucidi.
-Niente... mi hai emozionata, te l'ho detto!- mentii, -Quindi, cow boy delle onde...- ripresi dopo un attimo di imbarazzato silenzio, -ora che hai trovato la tua Onda... andrai a cercarne un'altra altrove, suppongo...
-Altrove?- chiese guardandomi in modo strano, come se avessi detto chissà quale cavolata, incollando gli occhi ai miei, -Non ho nessuna intenzione di andare via! La mia Onda Perfetta l'ho trovata qui...- aggiunse prendendomi le mani, -Qui con te, Sandy...
Lo I looked surprised, incredulous and happy. I understood. The shrill cry of a gull that flew a few meters from us broke our silence, making us raise our heads, that gull was again, that's different!
-Look! It seems Jonathan Livingston! - Ronny exclaimed.
I looked surprised all over again. I had read my mind?
-L 'I thought I ... when I saw the Dream ... Our Dream ... that of Faro and Miguel ...
Ronny looked at me and smiled. He did not ask and did not say anything about the seagull and the dream-Come-added only.

Continued ...

cap 13-1 samy

Monday, October 12, 2009

Canja De Galinha Portuguesa

White Sands-Il Grido delle Onde

XII. L'onda e la nuvola

Gli avvenimenti delle ultime ore mi hanno fatto dimenticare la conchiglia che ho trovato al mio risveglio. Ma il sogno comune avuto con Sandy, e l'avventura nel faro, reale o immaginaria che fosse, ha riportato quella valva in primo piano nella mia mente. Mi chiedo ancora come sia finita qui, ma a dire il vero non me importa poi molto, tutto sommato I prefer it as a gift from the seagull who spoke with the voice of Donald Duck, and the playful dolphin. Or maybe he left just Miguel.
However, if you really popped out of a dream, where I swam up to the seabed, to the coral that the housing, it is because the door to the white beach, and once awake it could make a gift to Sandy. An inner voice tells me, in fact, that this is the purpose of the dream. I had promised myself to
donargliela, it is true, then I forgot, everything that has happened since then. But I will tonight.

"says a legend
to the point where
dream and fairy tale meet,
in a moment suspended between infinity and
your eyes,
there is a light that shines for me.

speak Voices
billions of shooting stars, and each retains

the sheer magic of being

drop as the morning dew on my awakening.

Giurano le nuvole
che sogni il mio sogno,
e io mi specchio nel Tuo
l’orizzonte che vibra
oltre la soglia del

nostro abbraccio è la

trasparente canzone che

nell’Alba di Smerald o
le sirene cantano agli angeli,
fra gli scogli e l’estate,
in un attimo d’incanto che
profuma di Te.”

Era appena scesa la sera, quando tornai da Ronny sulla Spiaggia.
Lui non si accorse del mio arrivo, se ne stava seduto sulla sabbia con le gambe incrociate e le mani poggiate sopra, contenenti qualcosa di piccolo, che da quella distanza non riuscivo a distinguere.
Mi avvicinai lentamente, da dietro, senza farmi vedere, e una volta giunta presso lui gli misi le mani sugli occhi, senza dire niente. <
-Ciao Sandy- disse, apparentemente senza alcuna sorpresa, ma facendomi percepire il suo consueto sorriso piegando i lati degli occhi sotto le mie dita, -ho un regalo per te...- aggiunse subito dopo.
-Un regalo?! Cosa? Dai... lo sai che sono curiosa!- come sempre era stato lui a sorprendere me con quella rivelazione!
Ronny era meravigliosamente imprevedibile, riusciva a stupirmi quando meno me lo aspettavo, e la cosa mi piaceva, perché riusciva a farlo senza rendersene conto. Gli veniva naturale, punto. Era una persona eccezionale, e più la nostra amicizia andava avanti, più ero sicura che quando nacque questo cow boy delle onde, in cielo si accese una stella... probabilmente quella più luminosa, quella che ammiro tutte le sere splendere al di là del Margine, prima di addormentarmi.
Ronny rise della mia curiosità di bimba, ma non per prendermi in giro, semplicemente perché era contento del mio entusiasmo. Continuando a sorridere mi porse l'oggetto che aveva in mano: era una conchiglia bellissima, a forma di stella.
Un regalo più gradito non poteva farmelo! Era la più bella che avessi mai visto, e lo ringraziai colma di felicità.
-In realtà l'ho trovata qualche giorno fa, anzi, è stata lei a trovarmi! Dopo un altro sogno strano!- spiegò ridendo, notando il mio sguardo incuriosito, -Sognai un Seagull with the voice of a cartoon, who invited me to follow him on the ocean floor, before turning into a dolphin. That's where I found ... in the dream! It happened the night of the accident. When I woke up the next day was in the tent ... I could have found the shell from somewhere, and then believing it had rained from the sky in the middle of a dream, because I was still in semiconfusionale after the incident ... why did not I tell you ... But after another dream, that we had in common, I begin to think that there is something magical about it seriously at White Sands e. ..
-The shell has something to say ... ...- I said talking to his ear, interrompendolo prima che finisse per trovare una spiegazione razionale anche a quello, –Chiudi gli occhi, ti dico cosa mi sta raccontando...- Lui obbedì, e io cominciai,- La conchiglia dice: “C'è un'onda, all'orizzonte, che si muove veloce, e la sua cresta è una corona di schiuma bianchissima, che si vaporizza al contatto con l'aria. Miliardi di piccole gocce d'acqua, che salgono in alto, verso il cielo. E lassù c'è una nuvola, che cerca di abbassarsi piano piano sulla superficie del mare, per ricevere quelle infinitesimali, infinite gocce d'onda, e serbarle dentro di sé, per aumentare la propria forza, in attesa che divengano pioggia fresca sull'oceano. L'onda raises and lowers the cloud, and it seems wishing to touch, hands outstretched in search of one another. When you wave your hands and shake the cloud, the rain will fall on the ocean, and wave and cloud, combined, will form ... "
-L 'perfect wave! - Interrupted me anticipating what he was going to say, turning his gaze to the skyline.

I open my eyes and stare at the horizon. And I see it. Distant, but fast moving towards the earth. Live at White Sands, where the head will come in a couple of hours.
For a moment my heart stops. Then he starts to beat as ever did.
E 'arrived, I found it. The perfect wave.

" it!"
" Read, read by ..."

Capitolo XII Robi

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kimberly Bergalis Imagenes

White Sands-Il Grido delle Onde

XI. The Awakening

Mi svegliai di soprassalto, come se lo scossone dell'Onda che nel sogno aveva colpito il faro, fosse stato reale.
Il tempo di riprendermi dal brusco risveglio, e mi accorsi che non ero nel mio letto, ma sulla spiaggia, tra le braccia di Ronny, rannicchiata sul suo petto, sotto una coperta!
Era l'alba, mi ricordai di essermi addormentata mentre lui leggeva.
Il Sole spunta all'Orizzonte, Figlio del Mare lambito dal Tempo, e del Cielo vestito d'Infinito.
Porta negli occhi il Colore del Vento, e nel Cuore la Voce del Paradiso.
Sculpts wet clouds of Aurora, blowing petals of binary stars.
Back to Sea by giving him the Soul,
to receive in exchange for his heart imbued with eternity. "
I lifted his arms looking at him while he slept ... His expression was so tender that for a moment I wanted to kiss him, but that idea cacciai getting up suddenly, inadvertently waking.
-Good morning - I said, smiling, after having passed his hands over his face.
-Hello ... Sorry ... Yesterday I fell asleep ... and my fault you stayed out here too ...- blaterai imbarazzata.
-Ma io non dormo quasi mai nella tenda, non preoccuparti,- mi rassicurò mettendosi seduto, –solo che... ho una sola coperta e...
-Sei stato gentile a dividerla con me, grazie- mi affrettai a dirgli prima che finisse la frase.
Lui mi rispose con uno di quei sorrisi che aprono il cuore, portando aria fresca profumata d'estate nelle sue stanze.
-E' bello dormire sotto le stelle, e svegliarsi col sole che sta per sorgere, non trovi?
-Carino, si– risposi mentendo, perché in realtà avrei voluto dirgli che era stato bellissimo addormentarmi, e svegliarmi tra le sue braccia. But I told him no, and tried to change the subject,-I had a strange dream, but ...
-Oh yeah? I did one too ... but let's start from your own, come on. What did you dream?
-Mah ... There was a light behind the cliff ... a person dressed in white who said strange things ...
-Miguel ...!?- Ronny said with a look of surprise,-A Mexican boy ... dressed in white, in their twenties ...?
-Si ... but because it came so? - asked narrowing his eyes, trying to remember and focus on what had happened, thinking that they still dazed from sleep.
-No ... but I think we've done the same dream, "said jumping to his feet,-In your dream, after Miguel is gone, we went to the lighthouse?
-Si ... we climbed to the top ... There was a nice view ... Then I woke up when ...
- ... huge wave hit the lighthouse is shaking all over!
Ronny-Oh! - I said putting his hands over his mouth, "but how is it possible?
-I do not know, Sandy ... What does it mean, in your opinion? - I said looking at me with eyes clear as a child, when I lost every time I cross-beginning to understand what you mean when you talk about strange things happening on this beach continued ...- walking nervously up and down beside me-Now I need a nice ride!
-I am going Ronny ... I do not think to come tonight ... maybe I'll see you tomorrow ... I do not know ...
-Okay, Sandy ... but come back, right? - I made that question with a bit of apprehension, for a moment that made me hope for an interest in me ... cacciai but now that hope ... he liked, of course, but as a friend to laugh with or talk ... and besides, he knew just lost me in that corner of the world!
"Indeed it away! By now you should know that I can not do without this beach, no? - I told him, laughing and making him a wink, anche se in verità era di lui che non potevo più fare a meno...
Ronny mi sorrise e mi salutò, guardandomi mentre mi allontanavo. Mi voltai ancora una volta a guardarlo prima di sparire dalla sua visuale, facendogli un cenno con la mano, che lui ricambiò, e già sentivo la sua mancanza. Ma dovevo starmene un po' da sola a riflettere, su quello che era successo, e su quello che poteva significare.

Non hanno mai parlato di questo Sogno rivelatore... né del faro. Ma ora capisco cosa vogliono dire quando parlano di 'Acqua nell'Acqua'...”
Era giusto volessero conservarlo per loro. In fondo è la prima cosa importante che hanno condiviso.”
Hai ragione. Ma non mi aspettavo di scoprire tanti segreti in queste pagine.”
Ogni Magia che riesce a unire due anime, due cuori, e farne un unico sangue, deve rimanere segreta... altrimenti l'incantesimo non funziona!”
Gary sorrise a quella battuta di Rhonda, e riprese a leggere.

Capitolo XI Robi